Issue - meetings

URGENT Decision - Batch 2 Academies - approval to submit the Outline Business Case to Partnerships for Schools/DEF for the Wilmington Academy and proceed through the New Project Approval Process

Meeting: 20/06/2011 - Cabinet (Item 48)

48 Wilmington Academy

Additional documents:




Cabinet  20 June 2011









Subject: Wilmington Academy

Item 15 on the Cabinet agenda – report by Mrs  Sarah Hohler, Cabinet  Member for Education, Learning & Skills, Mr Roger Gough, Cabinet Member for Business Strategy, Performance & Health Reform, Andy Roberts, Interim Corporate Director, Education, Learning & Skills and David Cockburn, Corporate Director of Business, Strategy & Support

1. This report sought approval to submit the Feasibility study for Wilmington Academy to Partnership for Schools to progress to the next stage and to issue a Future School Notice to the preferred bidder for Batch 2 Academies to develop a proposal for the Academy.


2.  The Wilmington Academy was formed on 1st September 2010 from the former Wilmington Enterprise Academy. The lead Academy sponsor is the Leigh Academies Trust, with the trust’s two university sponsors, Universities of Kent and Greenwich.  The Academy is part of a hard federation with Leigh Academy and Longfield Academy. The development of this academy was put on hold while the funding available was reconsidered and following visits by the Department for Education (DfE) and the adoption of a new approach to calculating the funding, there was a significant reduction in the funding available. The original funding would have allowed a complete new build of the school facilities but there is now a reduced budget. However revised plans have been developed and the proposal was therefore being taken forward on that basis. 


3.   Before KCC can enter into a contract with the preferred bidder a final Business Case will be submitted to Partnership for Schools to confirm that will be funding the scheme. It is estimated that it will take at least six months for the preferred bidder to develop the scheme to the level required to enter into the contract. However that could take longer if the planning process should become complicated. However the current target is to sign contracts in early 2012 so that construction can be completed in late summer 2013.

4.    Cabinet Resolved to

(i) authorise the submission of the Feasibility study for Wilmington Academy to Partnerships for Schools and  the DFE.

(ii) authorise the issuing of a Future School Notice to the preferred bidder for Batch 2 Academies to develop a proposal for the Academy within the affordability parameters and to progress through the next stage of the

process to develop detailed designs, progress the planning application and finalise contracts.


(iii) to note that the BSF, PFI and Academies Board will be updated on progress and final approval to enter into contracts will be sought from Cabinet



 Any Interest Declared when the Decision was Taken






Reason(s) for decision, including alternatives considered and any additional information


The reasons for this decision are set out in this notice and also in the Cabinet Report. 


Background Documents:

