Issue - meetings

Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment

Meeting: 18/07/2011 - Cabinet (Item 55)

55 Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment for Kent pdf icon PDF 71 KB

Additional documents:


– Report by Bryan Sweetland, Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways and Waste and Paul Crick, Director of Planning and Environment)(Mr Crick and Mr Max Tant, Flood Risk Manager; were present for this item. 

(1)       Mr Sweetland outlined the main points of this report and said up to seventy thousand homes in Kent could be at risk from some form of flooding. However the chance of flooding from a major storm was some 1:200 so although the risks were low this was nonetheless a matter which the County Council took very seriously. Mr Tant said the Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment for Kent summarised past flood events and future flooding potential from surface water groundwater and ordinary watercourses in Kent. This was different form the responsibilities of the Environment Agency which was for the assessment of fluvial (main river) and Coastal Flooding.  


(2)       Cabinet resolved:

(a) to approve the submission of the Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment for Kent; and ,

            (b) to note the flood risk in Kent that the Council now had a strategic duty to oversee.