Issue - meetings

Adoption of the Isle of Grain to South Foreland and Medway Estuary and Swale Shoreline Management Plans

Meeting: 14/07/2008 - Cabinet (Item 4)

4 Adoption of the Isle of Grain to South Foreland and Medway Estuary and Swale Shoreline Management Plans pdf icon PDF 78 KB

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(1)       Mr Carter introduced this report, stating that, as the County Council with the longest coastline in the country, it was essential to have a Shoreline Management Plan (SMP), which determines the Coastal Defence Policy.  Mr Carter stated that these important plans, which had been developed in consultation with the Environment Agency, elected Members, key interest groups and members of the public, had been prepared to a rigorous standard in strict accordance with national guidance and would assist with the long term planning of the coastline in Kent and inform future plans and strategies of the County Council and its partners.  It was noted that the plans had limited implications for people and property and would assist in attracting resources for essential flood defence works in the future.


(2)       Mr Wilkinson echoed the comments of Mr Carter, adding that the preferred management policies and action plan would be the subject of further detailed investigation and consultation over the coming years before implementation. He also noted that SMP’s were a living document that evolved as knowledge of the coastline increased and that the plan and policies would be reviewed every ten years.


(3)       Mr Chard made reference to the Environment Agency’s policy of managed re-alignment of the coastline, which would effectively mean a managed retreat of the coastline in some areas, but nevertheless, he welcomed the possibility of the Council being able to attract additional resources for future flood defence works.


(4)       Mr King endorsed the approach set out in the report of maintaining vigilance in this important area and the need to maintain a positive and constructive dialogue with the Environment Agency.  He added that he was impressed with the Environment Agency’s approach during the consultations to date.


(5)       In response to a question from Mr Carter, Mr Wilkinson stated that he would prefer to report back to Cabinet on the non-critical areas on an annual basis, but reserved the right to report back on the critical areas as and when required.


(6)       Cabinet agreed to:-


(a)       endorse and adopt the Shoreline Management Plan, the preferred Management Policies and the action plan; it being noted that the policies to be adopted under the understanding that these will be the subject of further detailed investigation and consultation;


(b)       endorse and adopt the preferred Management Policy as a development planning consideration; and


(c)        request the Planning Applications Committee to note the policies within the SMP and take due regard of the coastal flooding and erosion risk areas when determining planning applications.