Issue - meetings

Older People and Physical Disability

Meeting: 22/01/2014 - Cabinet (Item 44)

44 Adult Transformation Programme for Older People and Physical Disabilities Division, Families and Social Care - Update pdf icon PDF 39 KB

Additional documents:


– report of the CabinetMember forSocial CareandPublicHealth, Mr Graham  Gibbens  and  Corporate  Director  of  Families  and  Social  Care,  Andrew Ireland)


Cabinetreceived a reportproviding an updateon oneaspect of the Transformationof AdultSocial CareProgramme,fromthe OlderPeopleandPhysical Disability(OPPD) Divisionand outliningfurtherplannedchangesforthe Division.


TheCabinetMemberforSocial Careand Public Healthintroducedthe reportfor Cabinet;he describedthe updatewhich the report providedon the transformation programmeand the work undertakenin partnershipwith NewtonEurope.  A key elementofthatwork wouldbe the furtherintegrationofhealthand social careand the significantimpactofpartnershipwork on the supportprovided forOlderPeoplein Kent. He summarisedsome ofthe changesthathad taken place:


        Clinical CommissioningGroup boundarieshad beenadopted bytheOlder People’steam.

        Staffin hospitalsnow deliverservices7 days a weekand inthe futureall officeswould be workingbetween 8am and 8pm

        Thata ‘modeloffice’trialhad been successfullyintroduced andwould be rolledout tootherteams aroundKent


Henoted some of theachievementsoflast year’s‘Model Office’initiativein Dover:


        40% reductionin the numberofonward assessments

        70% reductionin waitingtime forservice users

        60% reductionofoverdue reviews

        20% reductionin thetime thatpractitionersspenton pa  ...  view the full minutes text for item 44