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  • Issue
  • Issue - meetings

    Disposal of land at Langton Lane, Canterbury

    Meeting: 23/06/2014 - Property Sub-Committee (Item 21)

    21 Disposal of land at Langton Lane, Canterbury

    To consider and either endorse or make recommendations on the Cabinet Member’s proposed decision to sell the land on the terms outlined and to delegate authority to the Director of Property and Infrastructure Support to adjust the final terms of this proposed sale, if necessary, to conclude the transaction.

    Additional documents:


    (1)       Keith Hollidge (Surveyor) introduced the report which considered the proposed disposal of land at Langton Lane, Canterbury.  In response to questions it was confirmed that the developer would bear the costs of any planning application.


    (2)       RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member’s proposed decision to sell the land on the terms outlined be endorsed and that authority be delegated to the Director of Property and Infrastructure Support to adjust the final terms of the proposed sale, if necessary, to conclude the transaction.