Issue - meetings

Performance Monitoring Report - Quarter 1

Meeting: 15/09/2014 - Cabinet (Item 78)

78 Performance Monitoring Report - Quarter 1 pdf icon PDF 24 KB

To receive a report of the Leader & Cabinet Member for Business Strategy, Audit & Transformationsetting out for information the Council’s performance, as assessed against 40 Key Performance Indicators, for Quarter 1 of the 2014-15 financial year.


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(Item6 –Reportof theLeader& CabinetMemberfor BusinessStrategy,Auditand Transformation)

Cabinetreceived areportsettingoutperformanceagainst agreedtargets forkey performance indicatorsforQuarter1 of2014-15.


Richard Fitzgerald,Performance Manager  introduced  the  report  to  Cabinet,  in particularhe referred to thefollowing:

      i.        Thatthereportwas largely positiveshowingthat 23ofthe KeyPerformance Indicatorsreport hadshown apositive directionoftravel withonly12 falling and  reporting  62.5%  as  ‘Green’  meaning  that  they  were  achieving  or surpassingtargets.

    ii.        That    the      report  also     detailed          activity            indicators, corporate            risks    and organisationaldevelopmentinformation.

   iii.        Issues ofparticularnote wereas follows:

a.    CustomerServices

                                          i.    Digitaltake upfigures wereshown for the firsttime andincluded keytransactions completedon lineby residents.

                                        ii.    Callersatisfactionwith theContactPoint remainedhigh despite somerecentdifficultiesreaching performancetargets relatedto thenumberofcalls answered.  In relationto callanswering, new staffhadnowbeen recruited andthetrendfor quarter2 was expectedto bemuch improved.

b.    GrowthEnvironment andTransport

                                          i.    Theactivity figuresshowedsigns  ofeconomicrecovery inthe County.

                                        ii.    Thereas goodoutflowofRegional GrowthFundloanapprovals to supportlocalbusinesses

                                       iii.    Highwayshad recordedhigh levelsof ‘workin progress’at the endoflast year,largely as resultoffloodingandthishadbeen reducedsignificantlyin the quarterto June.

                                       iv.    Onered wasrecordedin relation  ...  view the full minutes text for item 78