118 Appointment of a Strategic Transformation Partner PDF 49 KB
To consider and endorse, or make recommendations to the Leader and the Cabinet Member for Business Strategy, Audit and Transformation on the proposed decision to procure a Strategic Efficiency and Transformation Partner to support KCC’s continued savings delivery activities
Additional documents:
(1) Mr Carter (Leader of the Council) introduced the report which explained the rationale for appointing a Strategic Efficiency Transformation Partner, outlined the procurement approach and sought approval for appointing a provider. The report asked the committee to consider and endorse, or make recommendations to Cabinet on the proposed decision.
(2) Mrs O Crill (Transformation Manager) said that: partners would only be used where capacity and skills were not available in-house; and as part of the appointment process, bidders would be expected to demonstrate how the skills and abilities of KCC staff would be developed to reduce the need for external help in the future and to demonstrate how they would work on a risk and reward basis.
(3) In response to questions she said that the exact price or programme to be delivered was not yet known and any work commissioned would be in proportion to the savings anticipated.
(4) Mr Carter said that stages 2 and 3 of the transformation programme were already being considered and that real savings had already been made in Adult Social Care.
(5) Resolved that the proposed decision be endorsed.