Issue - meetings

Adult Learning and Skills Strategy

Meeting: 27/04/2015 - Cabinet (Item 112)

112 Adult Learning and Skills Strategy pdf icon PDF 81 KB

To agree the amended Adult Learning, Skills and Employment Strategy for publication and to also agree the development of a more detailed Action Plan to deliver priorities and targets set out therein.  


Additional documents:


(Item 4 – report of the Mr Roger Gough, Cabinet Member for Education and health Reform and Patrick Leeson, Director of Education and Young People’s Services)


Cabinet received a reporting the results of the recent consultation on the Adult Learning, Skills and Employment Strategy and seeking endorsement of the draft as amended for adoption by KCC.


Mr Roger Gough, Cabinet Member for Education and Health Reform introduced the report for members; in particular he referred to the following:

  1. That the draft strategy presented to Cabinet was the final version of a document that had been subject to changes as a result of consultation and in particular recommendations from the Education and Young People’s Cabinet Committee who had endorsed the draft following a detailed discussion and on the basis that certain recommendations were reflected in the final draft.
  2. The strategy sought to map current provision, attainment and economic need and from these findings the four priorities were drawn.  The priorities were a mixture of general priorities for increased skills and employment levels and more specific focus on priority and vulnerable groups to ensure that levels of attainment and success were raised for those who needed it most.
  3. The national context within which the strategy would sit presented challenges; funding had been reduced and a shift to loans for adult learners had occurred.  The strategy recognised these issues and attempted to mitigate them in order to achieve the objectives of KCC to raise levels of skills, attainment and employment.
  4. Priority sectors were identified and the importance of working with employers, LEP and KCC in order to ensure that learners achieved the relevant skills and experience for those sectors was recognised in the strategy.  A detailed action plan would now be developed in order to deliver the aims set out in the strategy.


Patrick Leeson, Corporate Director of Education and Young People’s Services, spoke to the item to draw the following further information to the attention of members:

  1. That the strategy was key to maintaining and improving relationships with key stakeholders, partners and other agencies in this area of work.
  2. That it was not possible to close skills gaps identified in priority sectors by raising the attainment of young people only and therefore it was crucial that older adults were also targeted.
  3. That the strategy built on, and would work in conjunction with, a suite of strategies aimed at different age groups and sectors, namely the 14-24 Skills Strategy, the Community Learning and Skills Growth strategy and the LEP Skills Strategy.
  4. That the strategy was not only a helpful too for KCC but was used by employers and training providers as a framework to guide decision making and provision.


Following a question from the Leader Mr Leeson added that the targets in the strategy were aimed at raising levels in Kent to those of other South Eastern authorities and were challenging but realistic.  The need for a detailed delivery plan had been identified as part of the consultation and work was underway  ...  view the full minutes text for item 112