116 Tender and Award of a Contract for the Maintenance of Traffic Signals PDF 79 KB
To receive a report of the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport and the Corporate Director for Growth, Environment and Transport and to consider and endorse, or make recommendations to the Cabinet Member on the proposed decision to agree the award and issue of the Traffic Signals Maintenance contract for an initial period of five years
Additional documents:
Roger Wilkin, Interim Director of Highways, Transportation and Waste, introduced the report which asked the Committee to consider and endorse the proposed to decision to agree the award and issue of the Traffic Signals Maintenance contract for an initial period of five years. The content of exempt appendix E1 was also discussed alongside this item.
Toby Butler, Intelligent Transport Systems Manager, was in attendance to also respond to questions on the report.
In response to concerns made and questions raised Mr Wilkin and Mr Butler provided the following information:
i. That a new contract was being sought as a replacement of the existing contract which was extended to its maximum permitted time and will expire on 31 March 2016.
ii. No preference in supplier had yet been observed and as the law stands UK suppliers could not be given special preference.
It was RESOLVED that the proposed decision to agree the award and issue of the contract for an initial period of five years and, subject performance and demonstration of value for money, delegate authority to officers to issue a five year extension be endorsed.