Issue - meetings

Property LATCO

Meeting: 12/10/2015 - Cabinet (Item 137)

137 Facing the Challenge - Property and Infrastructure Support Local Authority Trading Company (LATC) pdf icon PDF 83 KB

To consider information, which is not exempt from publication, regarding the establishment of a Property and Infrastructure Support Local Authority Trading Company and related delegations to senior officers.


Further information, which is exempt from publication, is provided at Item 9 and Members should have regard to all papers before making a decision.

Additional documents:


Public minute of the discussion and resolutions which took place in both open and closed sessions of the meeting under items 8&9 of the agenda.


Cabinet received two reports, one to which access was unrestricted and one which was exempt from publication under paragraph 3 of Schedule 12a of the Local Government Act 1972 and during the discussion of which, following a motion agreed, the press and public were excluded from the meeting.


The reports sought approval for the establishment of a Local Authority Trading Company (LATC) to deliver the Council’s Property services.


Ms Rebecca Spore, Director of Property and Infrastructure introduced the reports for Members and reported that as a result of a review conducted as part of the Facing the Challenge programme 12-18 months previously and rigorous market testing; it had been proposed that a LATC be established for the purpose of delivering property services.  Since that time, she explained, a business case had been produced and refined and was set out in full in the exempt report.


Members were provided with information regarding the establishment of the LATC and, should it be agreed to proceed, the proposed governance arrangements once established.


Cabinet also received a detailed risk register, which set out any risks identified with the proposals and the mitigating actions proposed and the section 151 officer’s reports.


Proposed targets for the LATC were discussed and were confirmed by officers as realistic and achievable.


A full discussion of the business case and other information contained within the report and appendices took place and officers answered questions from Cabinet in relation to various elements of the proposals and arrangements post establishment.







12 October 2015


That the formation of a wholly owned Limited Company, subject to the comments of the Trading Activities Sub Committee (Governance and Audit), to deliver KCC’s Property Service based on the principles outlined in the exempt report, be agreed.


[The Local Authority Trading Company (LATC) will be established as soon as possible but trading will not commence until the necessary resources, approvals and commissioning functions for KCC are in place].


That authority be delegated to the Director of Infrastructure in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Corporate and Democratic Services to put in place the necessary arrangements to facilitate the establishment and ongoing control over the Local Authority Trading Company.



1 & 2.

In order that the proposed outcomes, set out in the exempt report, can be achieved.





