Issue - meetings

16/00076 - Winter Service Policy 2016/17

Meeting: 07/09/2016 - Environment & Transport Cabinet Committee (Item 207)

207 Decision Number: 16/00076 - Winter Service Policy for 2016/17 pdf icon PDF 88 KB

To receive a report that sets out the proposed decisions to agree the proposed changes to the Winter Service Policy for 2016/17.

Additional documents:


1.              The Highway Manager (West), Mrs Valentine, introduced the report which asked the Cabinet Committees to consider and endorse or recommendations on the proposed decision to be taken by the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport to agree proposed changes to the Winter Service Policy for 2016/17 as set out in Appendix B of the report.


2.            Mr Valentine gave a short presentation that highlighted data on the winter months over the past six years accompanied by National Guidance that had been used to refine the final proposed decisions.


3.            Mr Wilkin advised Members that the mild damp winters had led to an increased highway soft landscaping growth, including grass and weeds and any underspend as a result of the mild winter would be used to deal with the issue of soft landscaping.


4.            The Cabinet Committee endorsed the intention to roll forward any underspend for soft landscape maintenance particularly for dealing with grass and weeds. It was also suggested that parish councils could be approached to carry out some of the local soft landscaping.


5.            In response to concerns raised and questions by Members, Mrs Valentine, Mr Wilkin and Mr Balfour advised the following:


(a)    the question on the minimum salt run over six days would be answered outside the meeting.

(b)    A comment was made that the coordination of the Winter service had improved and was very good.  Praise was given to the officers for their work.

(c)    Mr Wilkin confirmed that a second weed spray would take place from mid-August to October.

(d)    Mr Wilkin agreed to discuss the issues of Maidstone soft landscaping with the local Member outside the meeting

(e)    Comments were made that the Highways budget needed to be safeguarded.

(f)     Mr Balfour and Mr Wilkin reassured Members that there were funding pots for extreme weather events and the resulting pot holes etc provided by government for local authorities to bid against. 

(g)    Mr Wilkin advised that the local authority did not provide salt bins in new developments as a matter of course.  It was considered that the new developments would negate this need.


6.            RESOLVED that:


(a)    the responses to comments and questions by Members be noted; and

(b)   the proposed decision to be taken by the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport to agree the proposed changes to the Winter Service Policy for 2016/17 be endorsed:

(i)  (s.3.3.2) Brine trial for selected routes to be implemented, supported by the Transport Research Laboratory (TRL)

(ii)  (s.4.3.2) Kent Road Weather forecast to be sent out via the winter weather forecast provider, Met Desk

(iii)   (s.6.2.1) Additional routes added to snow clearance priorities

(iv) (s.9.1.2) The proposal for any future winter service budget underspend to be treated as a committed roll forward, so that any additional funding is available in the following financial year for highway soft landscaping maintenance.