To receive a report on the proposed decision to award a contract for the disposal of additional local authority collected waste.
Additional documents:
1. The Head of Commercial Management and Waste Services, Mr Beaver, introduced a report which asked the Cabinet Committee to consider and endorse or make recommendations to the Cabinet Member on a proposed decision relating to the disposal of additional local authority collected waste. He said there were two waste streams processed through the Allington incinerator under contract by Kent Enviropower Ltd (KEL). A condition of this contract was Service Commencement which was triggered once KCC delivered the threshold of 325,000 tonnes of waste per annum to the plant. This threshold had been met and KEL had served notice that this minimum tonnage commitment must now be maintained for the duration of the contract. As waste was forecast to grow in line with housing and population growth, Mr Beaver said there was an opportunity to commission alterative contractual arrangements for the additional waste in order to reduce current disposal costs.
2. Mr Beaver responded to questions by Members as follows:
(a) Mr Beaver advised that there may be different suppliers. There were review periods used to look at providers and any changes would be brought to this Cabinet Committee.
(b) A comment was made that this was good thinking outside the box.
(c) Mr Beaver advised that the process was open to all and there was already significant market interest.
3. RESOLVED that:
(a) the responses to questions by Members be noted; and
(b) the proposed decision to be taken by the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport to award a contract for the disposal of additional local authority collected waste as set out in Appendix A to the report be endorsed.