Issue - meetings

16/00081 Consultation Protocol

Meeting: 08/09/2016 - Policy and Resources Cabinet Committee (Item 249)

249 Consultation Protocol (Responses to Consultations Received) pdf icon PDF 62 KB

To consider and endorse or make recommendations on the proposed decision of Cabinet to adopt the Consultation Protocol

Additional documents:


The Committee received a report seeking endorsement of a draft protocol for consultation responses prior to consideration by Cabinet.


Louise Whitaker, Democratic Services Manager (Executive), introduced the report. She said the purpose of the protocol was to standardise the approach to the production of consultation responses, to ensure proper information sharing processes and to strengthen the governance around response submissions by the proper adoption of the protocol and delegations inherent within it.


The report was opened for discussion and the following comments were made, questions raised and responses received from officers:

       i.        That an explicit reference to appropriate engagement with local Members whose divisions were affected by a consultation issue would be included in the protocol as requested by the Committee.

      ii.        Concerns were raised that officers, acting under delegated powers, had not conformed to the principles inherent in the draft protocol when responding to a particular matter recently and that, although the draft protocol was an improvement on the current situation, it should be further strengthened before being adopted.

     iii.        Ms Whitaker explained where the delegations currently lay and why they would be strengthened by adopting the protocol in the way proposed.  In addition she reminded the Committee that endorsement of proposed Executive decisions before they were agreed by the Executive was the normal and correct procedure.

iv    Mr Chard suggested that the Committee endorsed the principles in the protocol but recommended that local Members should be kept informed and should have an opportunity to comment on relevant consultations as well as receiving copies of the final consultation response


It was RESOLVED that the principles inherent within the draft protocol be endorsed, but that further work be undertaken to strengthen the principles of Member engagement within it, and that it be considered by the Committee again at that point and prior to any adoption by the Executive.