Issue - meetings


Meeting: 24/09/2008 - Cabinet Scrutiny Committee (Item 86)

86 Minutes - 23 July 2008 pdf icon PDF 94 KB

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Mr Chell stated that he was present at the meeting held on 23 July and asked for his name to be included in the list of Members present.


Mr Truelove asked for clarification of the final sentence of item 81 (2), relating to the management of motorways and trunk roads in Kent, Surrey and Sussex, as the impression being given by the current wording was possibly not what the Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways and Waste had intended. Mr Sass stated that the word “no” should appear between the words “be” and “adverse” in the penultimate line of that paragraph, so that the final sentence should read: “He assured the Committee that, in the event of the bid being successful, there would be no adverse impact on any of KCC’s existing highways services.”


Mr Cowan stated that his comments on the Working Neighbourhood fund for Thanet had not been reflected in the minutes. Mr Sass undertook to check his notes and add suitable comments to the minutes, in consultation with Mr Cowan.


Mr Hart asked whether the draft Strategy for the Working Neighbourhood Fund for Thanet, which had been reported to TDC’s Cabinet in August, could be reported to this Committee for information and comment. He also stated that a sum of £100,000 had been “top-sliced” from the WNF funding. Mr Sass undertook to follow these two issues up and inform Members accordingly.


RESOLVED: That, subject to the name of Mr Chell being added to the list of Members present, the agreed amendment to item 81 (2) referred to above and Mr Cowan’s comments on the Working Neighbourhood Fund for Thanet being added, the minutes of the meeting held on 23 July 2008 be approved and the Chairman be authorised to sign them as a correct record.