Issue - meetings

17/00114 - The Open Golf

Meeting: 22/03/2017 - Growth, Economic Development and Communities Cabinet Committee (Item 220)

220 Transport Improvements to Support The Open pdf icon PDF 81 KB

To receive a report from the Cabinet Member for Community Services and the Corporate Director for Growth, Environment and Transport which asks the Cabinet Committee to welcome the announcement by The Royal and Ancient Golf Club to host The Open 2020 at Royal St George’s, and to note the work underway to deliver the associated transport improvements at Sandwich

Additional documents:


(1)       Mr Hill (Cabinet Member for Community Services) said he welcomed the decision taken by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club in favour of holding The Open Championship at the Royal St George’s Golf Course in Sandwich and hoped the Cabinet Committee would also welcome it.


(2)       Stephanie Holt (Head of Countryside, Leisure and Sport) introduced the report.  She said the 2011 Open at Sandwich had resulted in £24million of direct spending in Kent and had attracted 180,091 visitors.  She said hosting the Open would significantly raise the county’s profile as a tourism destination and have a positive economic impact.  It was anticipated that visitors would increase for the 2020 Open, and that a significant number would travel by train to Sandwich.  Transport improvements costing about £1m were required to accommodate the 12-carriage trains and to improve access from the station to the golf course.   A financial contribution of £350,000 had been committed by the East Kent district councils and KCC and the South East Local Enterprise Partnership had agreed, subject to receipt of a robust business case, to provide another £300,000 using underspends from other projects with the Royal and Ancient Golf Club providing the balance.


(3)       In response to comments, Ms Holt said that visitors would be encouraged to travel by train and the fact that Sandwich town centre could not cope with more buses had been acknowledged.


(4)       Resolved that:


(a)       The announcement by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club to host The Open 2020 at the Royal St George’s be welcomed; and


(b)       The work underway to deliver the associated transport improvements at Sandwich Station be noted.