Issue - meetings

17/00074 - Vulnerable Adults Homelessness Service Redesign

Meeting: 23/11/2017 - Adult Social Care Cabinet Committee (Item 50)

50 17/00074 - Vulnerable Homelessness Service Redesign pdf icon PDF 94 KB

Members are asked to consider the information provided about current homelessness services, endorse the development of an all age Vulnerable Homelessness Strategy and agree to the commencement of an aligned commissioning process to develop reconfigured models of provision for vulnerable homeless young people and adults, to be operational from October 2018.

Additional documents:


1.    Mel Anthony (Commissioning and Development Manager) introduced the report which set out the Adult Social Care contracts for Housing Related Support Services for vulnerable homeless adults which would expire in September 2018. Contracts for similar services for young people would expire in April 2018.


a)    In response to a question, Mel Anthony confirmed that the service providers were based all over the county and ranged in various provider types.


2.    A Member commented on the excellent Homelessness Workshops that were available and the intensive work that was taking place with vulnerable individuals to prepare them for taking up their own tenancy, getting a job, and managing on their own without that additional support.


a)    In response to a question, Mel Anthony said that the services highlighted in the report were specifically housing-related supported services that were delivered to homeless people or people who were vulnerable to homelessness.

3. RESOLVED that the decision proposed to be taken by the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, to seek development of an all-age Vulnerable Homelessness Strategy and the commencement of an aligned commissioning process to develop reconfigured models of provision for vulnerable homeless young people and adults, to be operational from October 2018, be endorsed.