Issue - meetings

17/00112 - The Future of the Independent Living Service

Meeting: 23/11/2017 - Adult Social Care Cabinet Committee (Item 51)

51 17/00112 - Future Direction of the Independent Living Service pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Members are asked to Note the outcome of the 6 week Consultation and the Summary of the Recommendations; and consider and endorse or make a recommendation on the proposed decision to agree to re-provide the Independent Living Service through alternative services to meet the current assessed need for those individuals who currently access the service.

Additional documents:


1.    Penny Southern introduced the easy-read report which set out the plans for the future direction of the Independent Living Service (ILS), the changes that had been made and how service users would be supported through these changes.


2.    Graham Gibbens (Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care) promoted the easy-read report and said that it would help individuals with learning disabilities. He added that the easy-read reports would be a regular feature of Adult Social Care reporting.


a)    In response to a question, Sue McGibbon (Change Implementation Officer) said that the Independent Living Service users were from all over Kent.


3.    RESOLVED that the decision proposed to be taken by the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, to agree to re-provide the Independent Living Service through alternative services to meet the current assessed need for those individuals who currently access the service, be endorsed.