Issue - meetings

17/00121 (a) and (b) - Commissioned Children's Centres and Future Arrangements

Meeting: 05/12/2017 - Children's, Young People and Education Cabinet Committee (Item 65)

65 Commissioned Children's Centres and Future Arrangements

To receive an updated report on Commissioned Children’s Centres and Future Arrangements which Members are asked to note.


Additional documents:


1.    Stuart Collins introduced the report which outlined the business and financial case for reviewing the cost, the effectiveness and the value for money delivered by the six commissioned children’s centres listed in the report. He presented a set of slides to the Committee which set out contract details, current provisions and financial impacts.


a)    In response to a question, Stuart Collins and Roger Gough (Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Education) discussed the savings opportunities and further opportunities to consider moving forward.


b)    Stuart Collins discussed the maps within the presentation in further detail. He talked about the need for extra space for two of the children’s centres in particular and said that further analysis would be carried out for each of the centres.


2.    Patrick Leeson discussed the need to deliver consistently good outcomes at a low cost. He said that Kent had delivered very good services despite reductions by utilising resources and by bringing different resources together within districts.


a)    In response to a question, Stuart Collins said that he would liaise with the Property team in Kent to discuss property costs.


b)    In response to comments and questions, Stuart Collins said that altering the recommendation to phase the changes highlighted in the report was an option. 


c)    In response to a question, Stuart Collins discussed venue opportunities and additional support needs. He said that Kent needed to ensure that all of the parents needs were being met and to ensure that they were able to access all of the services offered.


d)    In response to a question, Stuart Collins discussed how local residents could access the services and how Kent County Council could communicate with residents and parents to ensure that they were well informed.


3.    Members expressed concern about the recommendation and during debate it became clear that many Members were not able to support the original recommendation.


4.     After the discussion the Chairman proposed that the recommendation be changed so that four of the six centres listed be brought in house and the existing Early Help offer be re-provisioned to allow for the reduction in commissioned services.


Upon being put to the vote, this was carried by 9 votes to 3 with 1 abstention.


5.    The remaining part of the recommendation in the report, that the current funding levels of the two remaining centres be reduced was then discussed and it was suggested that re-procurement of these two centres be undertaken in twelve months’ time.


Upon being put to the vote, this was carried by 8 votes to 4 with 1 abstention.


6.    RESOLVED that:

a) four of the six centres listed be brought in house and the existing Early Help offer be re-provisioned to allow for the reduction in commissioned services; and


b) the current funding levels of the two remaining centres be reduced and the re-procurement of these two centres be undertaken in twelve months’ time.


Meeting: 22/11/2017 - Children's, Young People and Education Cabinet Committee (Item 57)

57 Commissioned Children's Centres and Future Arrangements

To receive a report on Commissioned Children’s Centres and Future Arrangements which Members are asked to note.

Additional documents:


(Peter Lake was in attendance for this item)


1.    Stuart Collins introduced the report which outlined the business and financial case for reviewing the cost, the effectiveness and the value for money delivered by the six commissioned children’s centres listed in the report. He, Mr Gough and Mr Leeson answered questions of detail from Members, including the purpose of the review, unit costs of the different centres and how best to ensure that a well targeted service was being delivered in an efficient way. However, some of the information requested was not currently available and would need to be supplied to the Committee separately.


2.    During the discussion it became apparent that the Committee could not come to a conclusion and that further discussion, including the information not currently available, would be necessary.


3.    RESOLVED that the current report be noted and that further discussion of the issue take place at an extraordinary meeting of the Committee which was subsequently arranged for 5 December 2017. At this additional meeting, the information not currently would be supplied so that Members could fully debate the issue and come to an informed decision.