Issue - meetings

Update of Policy Framework (D Whittle - minute 27 15 September 2017

Meeting: 11/05/2018 - Policy and Resources Cabinet Committee (Item 83)

83 Strategy and Policy Control Framework Bi-Annual Update pdf icon PDF 84 KB

To receive a report which provides a six-month progress update on the Strategy and Policy Control Framework, including an analysis of the current Strategy and Policy Register. The report also outlines the improvements in managing the process since September 2017, challenges, and the planned next steps for managing the control framework

Additional documents:


David Whittle (Director, Strategy, Policy, Relationship and Corporate Assurance) and Liz Sanderson (Strategic Business Adviser (Corporate), Strategy, Policy, Relationships and Corporate Assurance) were in attendance for this item


(1)       Mr Whittle introduced the report which provided a six-month progress update on the Strategy and Policy Control Framework, an analysis of the current Strategy and Policy Register and outlined improvements in the management of the process as well as setting out the planned next steps.


(2)       Mrs Sanderson provided information about progress since the report to the Policy and Resources Cabinet Committee in September 2017.


(3)       In response to Members’ questions, Mr Cockburn confirmed that the issue relating to the conduct of Equality Impact Assessments concerned the point in the decision-making process that they were conducted.  Further information would be presented to the Cabinet Committee in the annual equalities report.


(4)       Resolved that:

(a)      The progress update on the Policy and Strategy Control Framework be noted;


(b)      A report on progress be received by the Policy and Resources Cabinet Committee every six months.