Issue - meetings

18/00029 - Positive Behavioural Support Service

Meeting: 04/07/2018 - Adult Social Care Cabinet Committee (Item 92)

92 18/00029 - Positive Behavioural Support Service pdf icon PDF 135 KB

To receive a report which provides Members with an update on the positive behavioural support service and how personalised care and support for individuals aged 14 years and over who can move from specialist/secure in-patient services into a community setting for delivery of their care, can be delivered.

Additional documents:


Emma Hanson (Senior Commissioner) and Clare Maynard (Head of Commissioning Portfolio – Outcome 2 and 3) were in attendance for this item


1.    Clare Maynard introduced the report which set out the Kent and Medway Transforming Care Partnership which sought to develop bespoke and personalised care and support for individuals aged 14 years and over who could move from specialist/secure in-patient services to a community setting for the delivery of their care.


a)    In response to a question, Emma Hanson said that overnight care was provided to patients where appropriate.


b)    In response to a question, Emma Hanson said the staff that were being recruited for the new service needed to be very experienced care workers. She said that work had been undertaken with providers to ensure that the service did not have a negative impact on other services. Penny Southern said that 43 people had been discharged from the Transforming Care programme to specialist services within Kent. She said that Adult Social Care had recently undertaken work with the University of Kent to ensure that people were appropriately trained and supported to work with people in care.


c)    In response to a question, Emma Hanson said that the number of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) had increased. She said that Adult Social Care worked closely with the Children, Young People and Education department to ensure that intervention was in place for young people living with ASD and to ensure that they were supported. Anne Tidmarsh said that Adult Social Care had also worked closely with the NHS to develop a joint service. She said that by using enablement, the demand and need of services can be reduced and people would experience a much more fulfilled life in the community.


2.    RESOLVED that the decision proposed to be taken by the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, to:

a)    undertake a procurement exercise for the provision of a Positive Behavioural Support Service which will commence from September 2018; and


b)    delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Adult Social Care and Health, or other nominated officer, to undertake the necessary actions to implement the decision,


be endorsed.