Issue - meetings

19/00002 - Award of Grant - Kent County Council Network Requirements

Meeting: 28/01/2019 - Cabinet (Item 94)

94 19/00002 - Grant for Kent’s road network needs to support Operation Brock pdf icon PDF 91 KB

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Mr Simon Jones, Director, Highways, Transportation and Waste, was present for this item.


1.            Cabinet received a report providing detail of the section 31 financial frant awarded by the Department for Transport (DfT) in connection to Kent’s road network needs to support Operation Brock. 


2.            Mr Whiting introduced the report and explained that KCC had been working closely with the DfT to establish plans to manage HGVs and passenger traffic in Kent in anticipation of Brexit on the 29 March 2019.  Operation Brock involved planning for all scenarios including significant hold ups both at Dover Port and Eurotunnel, KCC aimed to ensure that its roads were in the best possible condition in case of increased use after 29 March. 


3.            DfT had formally confirmed a grant award of £28.81m requiring that the planned work should be delivered by the 29 March 2019. 


4.            Mr Jones, Director, Highways, Transportation and Waste clarified that confirmation had been received from DfT that the grant could be uised for both capital and revenue work activities. 


5.            Mrs Cooper, Corporate Director, Growth, Environment and Transport praised the work Mr Jones had done with DfT and Highways England, it should not be underestimated how much further forward Kent was than the rest of the country in planning for Brexit. 


6.            The Leader commented that this was good news and the authority would ensure it was well spent.  It was also important to get the technology and signage right.


RESOLVED that Cabinet:


AGREE to accept the Grant under the terms and conditions required by Government; and


APPROVE the implementation of the necessary works as detailed in this

report and the Grant specification; and


DELEGATE authority to the Corporate Director for Growth, Environment and

Transport to, in consultation with the Leader and / or Cabinet Member for

Planning, Highways, Transportation and Waste, take any necessary actions to

implement this decision, including but not limited to entering into relevant legal

agreements and authorising spend from the Grant.