Issue - meetings

Report by Leader of the Council (Oral)

Meeting: 11/12/2008 - County Council (Item 5)

Report by Leader of the Council

Additional documents:


(1)       Under Procedure Rule 1.20, the Council agreed that, on this occasion, the length of the Leader’s oral report be extended by 3 minutes to 13 minutes and the responses of the Leaders of the other two political groups be extended by 3 minutes to 10 minutes each.


(2)       The Leader began by looking back over the previous 12 months; commenting on the retention by the Council of its 4-star status following the CPA Corporate Assessment and Joint Area Review; the recent CSCI inspection of Adult Social Services, which had seen the retention of the top 3-star rating; the best education results ever at Key Stage 1 and 4; successful negotiations with the Government about KCC’s asylum costs; the Capital Programme being on track to be delivered; and, good progress being made on the shape of next year’s budget, with the aim of keeping the Council Tax as low as possible. In light of the ongoing global economic situation, he spoke about the programme of measures being put in place to support business in Kent and the increasing work being done to promote the modern apprenticeships programme. He mentioned the sad loss of Lord Bruce-Lockhart and John Law, adding that the influence of both Members was already being missed.


(3)       Referring to the two Motions for time-limited debate, the Leader spoke about the review of the PIPKIN system that Mr Ferrin was leading on, to which Mrs Dean and Dr Eddy had been invited to be involved.  He also mentioned a proposed substantial increase in resources for improvements to roads and pavements in Kent, together with an enhanced role for Members in being able to commission work in their electoral Divisions.


(4)       On Child Protection, the Leader referred to the additional resources that were being allocated to the Children, Families and Education Directorate in the forthcoming budget round and the review being led by the Chief Executive on the process for child protection work within Kent.  He had asked for the review to be completed by the end of January and stated that both Dr Eddy and Mrs Dean would be invited to attend a meeting to discuss the findings of the review.


(5)       With the permission of the Chairman, Mr Chittenden was invited to speak on this item.  Mr Chittenden, with the consent of his seconder and the Council formally withdrew his Motion for time-limited debate.