Issue - meetings

19/00050 - A20 Coldharbour Roundabout Improvement

Meeting: 10/10/2019 - Environment & Transport Cabinet Committee (Item 209)

209 19/00050 - A20 Coldharbour Roundabout pdf icon PDF 238 KB

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Russell Boorman (Senior Manager, Capital Programme Manager) and Lee Burchill (Major Capital Programme Manager) were in attendance for this item.


1.    Mr Boorman introduced the report that set out the proposed improvements to and around Coldharbour roundabout on the A20 to the north west of Maidstone town centre and sought approval to take the highway improvement through the next stages of development and delivery which included authority to progress statutory approvals and to enter into funding and construction contracts.


2.    Officers responded to comments and questions as follows:


(a)  Mr Boorman informed Members that the projected number of vehicles for 2031 included local planned growth and background growth and that based on the 2017 figures, it was anticipated that there would be a 50% increase of traffic capacity numbers through the A20 junction which totalled 4,500 vehicles.


(b)  In response to concerns regarding landscape proposals, Mr Boorman assured Members that the design of the Coldharbour roundabout accounted for the native species of the area i.e. inclusion of the Tommy Silhouette, poppy planting, semi-mature trees, and that work had been done in conjunction with Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council to ensure that the design proposal was correct.


(c)   With regard to the traffic capacity constraints on Poppy Fields roundabout, Mr Boorman provided assurance that the roundabout had been reviewed for inclusion as part of the planning application and if approved, the roundabout would be enlarged and incorporated into the current design model.


(d)  Mr Boorman confirmed that consultations had already been carried out in relation to other proposed schemes as part of the Maidstone Integrated Transport Package, particularly around the A20 corridor and that these would be presented to the Cabinet Committee in the near future.


3.    Mr Bird proposed and Mr Chittenden seconded that an amendment be made to the recommendation to include investigation of the inclusion of full/part time signalisation as part of the design for the A20 Coldharbour roundabout.


4.    The Chairman put the amended recommendation to the vote and agreement was unanimous.


5.    It was RESOLVED that the proposed decision (19/00050) to be taken by the Cabinet Member for Planning, Highways, Transport and Waste to:


(a)  give approval to the outline design scheme for the A20 Coldharbour roundabout in Tonbridge & Malling for development control and land charge disclosures, drawing number CLDHBR-CAP-HGN-00-DR-C-0035 S3-P01;


(b)  give approval to progress all statutory approvals or consents required for the scheme, drawing number CLDHBR-CAP-HGN-00-DR-C-0035 S3-P01;


(c)   give approval to enter into land agreements with third parties as necessary;


(d)  give approval to enter into construction contracts as necessary for the delivery of the scheme subject to the approval of the Infrastructure Construction Board to the recommended procurement strategy,


(e)  give approval to undertake engagement with all relevant stakeholders as identified in the communication plan; and


(f)    investigate the inclusion of full/part time signalisation as part of the design for the A20 Coldharbour roundabout.


be endorsed.