Issue - meetings

19/00068 - Food Waste Processing Contract

Meeting: 10/10/2019 - Environment & Transport Cabinet Committee (Item 211)

211 19/00068 - Food Waste Processing Contract pdf icon PDF 334 KB

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David Beaver (Head of Waste Management) and Kay Groves (Waste Services Manager) were in attendance for this item.


1.    Mr Beaver introduced the report that outlined the business case and sought approval to commission a contract with a appropriate  supplier for the provision of food waste treatment using a new anaerobic digestion plant.. A food processing facility plant would allow the Authority to enter into a single contract and cease extensive haulage to facilities outside of the county, reduce cost and create sustainable re-processing solutions.


2.    Officers responded to comments and questions as follows:


(a)  With regard to queries about the level of C02 emissions, Mr Beaver agreed to seek professional guidance and relay the information back to Members.


(b)  In response to concerns regarding the Governments Resources and Waste Strategy and the impact on local residents should they object to proposed changes in service delivery as a result of legislation, Mr Beaver informed the Committee that Kent County Council could not enforce a service upon a District or Borough Council and that it was predominantly an issue for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and the District/ Borough Council to resolve.


(c)   Mr Beaver informed Members that Kerbside collected food waste amounted to approximately 36,000 tonnes per annum and said that the Government’s resources and waste strategy may mandate that all Collection Authorities provide the same level of service from 2023 which was likely to generate a further 8,000 tonnes per annum from the remaining two Districts; Dartford and Sevenoaks.


(d)  In response to whether consultations had been carried out with residents regarding the impact of traffic congestion as a result of Blaise Farm, Mr Beaver confirmed that the food waste treatment plant at the site was already close to completion  and that consideration of those elements affecting the local residents would have been measured and consulted on prior to planning permission being granted.


(e)  Mr Beaver welcomed the suggestion from Members to arrange a visit to the site if it generated sufficient interest.


(f)    Mr Jones (Director of Highways, Transportation and Waste) assured Members that the waste industry was highly regulated and that all health and safety issues had been accounted for and embedded within the Policy.


3.    It was RESOLVED that the proposed decision (19/00068) to be taken by the Cabinet Member for Planning, Highways, Transport and Waste to approve the decision to openly tender & award a new food waste processing services to a supplier within the County, be endorsed.