Additional documents:
David Beaver (Head of Waste Management Services) was in attendance for this item.
1. In response to Members’ request for clarification regarding the development of the waste transfer station facilities for kerbside waste collected by Folkestone & Hythe District Council, Mr Beaver confirmed that the short-term contract would last up to four years. He said that that within the Capital Programme, a bid had been submitted for a permanent structure to be built at Ross Way. That location was part-owned by Folkestone and Hythe District Council and Kent County Council (KCC) and was part leased to a partner company of KCC and it was likely to become available in due course. Two outline-designs had been submitted and both could cater for the anticipated growth.
2. With regard to market appetite, Waste Management worked closely with Strategic Commissioning to test market interest and had been able to attract three potential suppliers from outside the district boundary.
3. It was RESOLVED that the proposed decision (20/00012) to be taken by the Cabinet Member for Environment, to award a short-term contract for a facility to receive, bulk and haul municipal waste to cover KCC’s statutory requirement as the waste disposal authority, be endorsed.