Issue - meetings

20/00006 - Payment increase for in house Emergency Bed Foster Carers

Meeting: 10/01/2020 - Children's, Young People and Education Cabinet Committee (Item 156)

156 20/00006 - The proposal for an updated policy for Emergency Bed In house Foster Care pdf icon PDF 447 KB

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Ms Smith (Assistant Director for Corporate Parenting), Ms Anthony (Head of Fostering - East) and Mr Griggs (Team Manager) were in attendance for this item


(1)        Ms Anthony introduced the report which set out the proposal to increase the support package, including an increase to fostering payments, specifically for Kent County Council foster carers undertaking the Emergency Bed scheme.


Officers then responded to comments and questions from Members, including the following: -


(a)  Ms Smith stated that the current emergency bed scheme was up to maximum capacity and that the updated scheme would increase the amount emergency beds available and would extend the time in which the emergency beds were available for individuals in need.


(b)  Ms Smith explained the rationale behind the proposed increase in emergency beds and confirmed that it did not take planned moves for individuals into account. She added that the increase would be manageable within the current placement budget.


(a)  Ms Smith explained the rationale behind the proposed increase in emergency beds and confirmed that it was based on the number of referrals for emergency placements and did not include referrals of planned moves for children. She added that the increase would be manageable within the current placement budget.


(b)   Ms Smith explained that the proposal was solely based on the number of emergency type situations that surfaced in Kent and said that many of the referrals related to young people with complex needs.


(2)        RESOLVED that the decision proposed to be taken by the Cabinet Member for Integrated Children’s Services to:


(i)    agree the new payment structure for in house Emergency Bed Foster Carers for immediate implementation; and


(ii)  delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Children, Young People and Education, or other nominated officer, to undertake the necessary actions to implement the decision,


be endorsed.