242 20/00096 - Kent County Council's participation in the Straits Committee PDF 247 KB
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Mr D Pugh, Project Manager (Brussels), was in attendance for this item.
1. Mr Whiting and Mr Smith introduced the report and Mr Pugh set out the background, summarised the work which had gone on over two years to develop the project and establish its working arrangements. Mr Smith and Mr Pugh responded to comments and questions from the committee, including the following:-
a) asked how the £100,000 funding had been calculated and what it covered, Mr Smith explained that each partner on the Straits Committee would have a small budget to spend on their own local projects and that Kent had allocated £100,000 for this. There was no detailed proposal yet about what this would be spent on, although the background documents to the report set out some initial thoughts;
b) a view was expressed that the option of commuting from Kent to France was under-used and that young people in particular could be encouraged to take this up as a future work option. Officers were asked to ensure that Kent’s young people were included in the Straits Committee’s promotional work; and
c) a view was expressed that it was important that potential commuters from Kent to mainland Europe were suitably trained, not just in languages but in the cultures of European countries.
2. The Chairman thanked Dafydd Pugh, Myriam Caron and the County Council’s International team for the work they had put into supporting Kent’s involvement in the Straits Committee.
3. Mrs Cooper updated the committee on recent work with partners on traffic management plans and models which would support national trade readiness and smart freight. All-Member briefings would take place in mid-October and late November to keep Members updated on the latest work.
4. Mr A Booth stated that he did not support the proposed decision and asked that this be recorded in the minutes.
5. The committee RESOLVED to endorse the decision proposed to be taken by the Cabinet Member for Economic Development to:
a) confirm the participation of Kent County Council in the Straits Committee;
b) approve funding of £100,000 from reserves for activities connected to the Straits Committee. These will include support to joint initiatives on economic development, tackling climate change, supporting young people and any initiatives in other policy areas as agreed within the Straits Committee, the development of a strategy for the Straits Committee, the hosting of a Straits conference in Kent and the setting up of a small project support scheme; and
c) agree delegated authority for management of that funding to the Director of Economic Development, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Economic Development.