15 21/00028 - Adoption of Highways Asset Management Plan 2021/22 to 2025/26 PDF 169 KB
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Andrew Loosemore (Head of Highways Asset Management) was in attendance for this item.
1. Mr Brazier summarised the proposed decision, noted the scope of the asset management plan and confirmed the rationale behind a single policy that sets out KCC’s approach to highways asset management to 2025-26.
2. Mr Loosemore provided a detailed overview of the plan. He stated that asset management plans had been developed since 2016 following Department for Transport bloc maintenance grant incentives and recognised the link between multi-year planning and value for money. It was noted that whilst funding from the Department for Transport had been static over the previous five years, there had been a 20% grant reduction in 2021-22. The renewal of street trees was highlighted as a continued initiative. Mr Jones added that the plan informed KCC’s ability to make positive interventions using quality planning and intelligence.
3. Mr Baldock drew the maintenance of concrete roads to the attention of members and asked whether central government had been lobbied to increase highways investment in Kent. Mr Jones confirmed that the maintenance of concrete roads had been taken into account and that KCC cooperated with Highways England on the issue.
4. Mr Dendor highlighted the maintenance of roadside drains and pavements as areas which required continued focus. Mr Loosemore reassured members that a risk-based approach was taken when cleaning problematic drains.
5. Mr Baldock abstained to endorse the proposed Cabinet Member decision.
RESOLVED to endorse the proposed decision of the Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport to adopt and publish a single Highways Asset Management Plan document that sets out our approach to highways asset management over the next five years.