88 22/00088 - Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) - Create Growth Fund PDF 337 KB
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Ms Sarah Wren, Principal Project Officer, was in attendance for this item.
1. Ms Wren introduced the report and said the result of the bid had been delayed due to the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II and the change in Prime Minister.
2. Ms Wren responded to the following questions and comments from Members:
(a) Asked about the percentage of funding the Council would receive and the cost for administering the project, Ms Wren said the programme included two members of project staff. The programme had a target of 100 businesses and would be delivered in 6 cohorts of 15 – 20 businesses in each.
(b) Asked whether the businesses providing the support were local and had been approved, Ms Wren said the partnership board included three sector specialist organisations who were experienced in delivering business support programmes. Those organisations would design the programme and be responsible for some of the delivery. Feedback had also been built in throughout the programme.
(c) Asked how the programme would be advertised to the music community, Ms Wren said sector specialist organisations had been appointed for performance, music, and design and had relevant networks.
(d) Asked about equality implications and DCMS prioritising bids based on inclusivity, Ms Holt-Castle said the principal purpose was to widen and diversify the number of businesses involved in the creative industry sector.
(e) Asked about the amount of money each business would receive, Ms Wren said the money allocated to each business was for the cost of support. They were then able to access a £7million loan or grant fund, and additional support through the national provider.
RESOLVED that the proposed decision to be taken by the Cabinet Member for Community and Regulatory Services subject to the bid to DCMS being successful, that KCC enters into a grant agreement with DCMS and takes on the lead role of accountable body for the management and delivery of the regional South-East Create Growth Programme 2022 to 2025 as shown in appendix A, be endorsed.