Issue - meetings

23/00040 - Adoption of Gypsy and Traveller Site Pitch Allocation Policy

Meeting: 16/05/2023 - Growth, Economic Development and Communities Cabinet Committee (Item 135)

135 23/00040 - Adoption of Gypsy and Traveller Site Pitch Allocation Policy pdf icon PDF 326 KB

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Ms Natalie Liddiard, Head of Gypsy and Traveller Service, and Mr Tom Marchant, Interim Head of Countryside and Community Development, were in attendance for this item.


1.             Mr Hill briefly introduced the agenda item.  He said the committee had previously endorsed the pre-consultation draft and some minor modifications had since been made.  


2.             Ms Natalie Liddiard updated Members on the consultation process. It took place over a 10-week period, KCC had held 5 face to face drop in sessions, sent direct emails to 75 stakeholders, made direct contact with pitch holders across the 7 KCC sites and Maidstone Borough council sites, texted all pitch-holders and contacted those on the waiting list for a pitch. Ms Liddiard also informed Members that social media had been used to spread information of the consultation, Including videos and press releases. Ms Liddiard reported that 11 consultees had provided feedback, including traveller representing organisations. Legal advice on the policy had been sought and no significant risks to the authority had been identified.


3.             Ms Liddiard and Mr Jones responded to the following questions and comments from Members:

a)             Members discussed whether unauthorised encampments on facilities used for sports and recreation grounds would constitute anti-social behaviour (ASB) and whether legal advice had been sought on this. Ms Liddiard responded that legal opinion had not been sought specifically on this as there were too many scenarios and the Council worked with district councils and the police regarding anti-social behaviour. 

b)             Asked why the action of setting up an unauthorised encampment was not an act of anti-social behaviour Ms Liddiard said that individual circumstances were considered and that the police must be worked with to determine whether an unauthorised encampment was committing anti-social behaviour. Mr Jones clarified that clear external legal advice had been sought and incorporated into the policy and emphasised the importance of working with Kent Police.

c)              A Member raised concerns around the lack of responses from the traveller community, particularly following the scale of the consultation.


4.             Mr Rayner proposed, and Mrs Binks seconded that the recommendations of the report be moved, and this was agreed unanimously.


RESOLVED to endorse the proposed decision to be taken by the Cabinet Member for Community and Regulatory Services, to adopt the Gypsy and Traveller Site Pitch Allocation Policy and Application Form; and delegate to the Director Growth & Communities any further decisions that may be appropriate to deliver the policy.