Issue - meetings

24/00048 - Adult Social Care Charging Policy - Self Funding Arrangement Fee

Meeting: 15/05/2024 - Adult Social Care Cabinet Committee (Item 198)

198 24/00048 - Adult Social Care Charging Policy - Self Funding Arrangement Fee pdf icon PDF 227 KB

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Sarah Denson (Assistant Director - Strategic Safeguarding, Policy, Practice and Quality Assurance), Michelle Goldsmith (Finance Business Partner), Michael Thomas-Sam (Corporate Lead Adult's and Children's Policy and Strategy) and Georgina Walton (Digital and Innovation Lead, Innovation and Partnerships team) were in attendance for this item.


1)    Officers introduced the report, setting out the detail behind decision 24/00048 Adult Social Care Charging Policy. The decision would result in residents that pay in full for their non-residential care and support paying an additional initial arrangement fee if they wanted KCC to arrange care on their behalf.


2)    Responding to a question about the number of residents affected, officers confirmed there were around 400 new applications a year, with 600 in total at any one time.


3)    Some members were concerned that the additional cost would be a barrier for those wishing to access the service. Officers advised that an Equalities Impact Assessment (EqIA) had been carried out and considered that. A range of support and advice for residents was available, including payment options for those unable to meet the initial cost up front.


4)    Members were disappointed there were only 43 responses to the public consultation, though accepted that officers had tried to increase this and undertaken targeted work with particular groups. Some of the committee felt the that response rate was insufficient on which to make a decision. Mr Watkins commented that he had also questioned the response rate but had been reassured by the officer responses.


5)    Members questioned the need and morality of increasing the current charge for what appeared to be a minimal financial return. Mr Watkins responded that the Council was in a challenging financial position and difficult decisions had to be made. He provided assurance that a risk assessment had been undertaken, residents that met the criteria did not have to seek council support, and he felt it reasonable for the Council to seek additional support from those that were able to afford it. If they did not, the financial cost would fall to all council tax payers including those less able to pay. He confirmed other local authorities charged such a fee.


6)    RESOLVED that the Cabinet Committee considered and endorsed the proposed decision to:


a) APPROVE the changes to the Adult Social Care Charging Policy; and

b) DELEGATE authority to the Corporate Director Adult Social Care and Health to revise the Adult Social Care Charging Policy and to take relevant actions, including keeping the policy updated as necessary, to implement the decision.


7)    In accordance with paragraph 16.31 of the Constitution, Jenni Hawkins, Mr Campkin, Ms Meade, Mr Streatfeild wished for it to be recorded in the minutes that they voted against the proposed decision 24/00048 – Adult Social Care Charging Policy – Self Funding Arrangement Fee.