Issue - meetings

Update on Village Green Issues

Meeting: 27/01/2009 - Regulation Committee (Item 5)

Update on Village Green Issues


(1)               The PROW Team Manager (Definition) gave an oral update on progress with the DEFRA Pilot Project.  He informed the Committee that a seminar for District and Parish Councils was being arranged to take place in Spring 2009 and that County Councillors would also be invited.  He also updated the Committee on progress on a number of PROW and Village Green cases which had been considered by the Member Panels and on the latest legal position in respect of “Deference.”


(2)      The Committee agreed that it wished for a Schedule of outstanding Village Green and PROW cases to be included in the agenda papers for its future meetings.


(3)       RESOLVED that:-


(a)               the report be noted; and


(b)             a Schedule of outstanding Village Green and PROW cases be included in the agenda papers for future meetings of the Committee.