Issue - meetings

Connexions & Work Related Learning – The Preferred Supplier.

Meeting: 13/07/2009 - Cabinet (Item 10)

Commissioning Connexions and Work Related Learning Services from April 2010

Additional documents:


Report by Mrs Sarah Hohler, Cabinet Member for Children, Families and Education and Ms Rosalind Turner, Managing Director for Children, Families and Education)  (Ms Joanna Wainwright, Director Commissioning {Specialist Services} was present for this item).


This is an unrestricted minute of a report which was exempt under paragraph 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended.


1.         This report outlined the outcome of the recent tendering process for Connexions and work related learning services to be delivered from 1 April 2010 to 31 March 2013. 


2.         The submitted tenders had been evaluated against a robust evaluation scoring framework and the recommendation to Cabinet was that the current provider, Connexions Partnership Kent and Medway, should be awarded the contract.


3.         Following consideration of the report, Cabinet RESOLVED that the Connexions Partnership Kent and Medway should be confirmed as the preferred supplier from April 2010 and authority be given to the Director of Children, Families and Education to award the Partnership the contract following the Alcatel period (14 July – 24 July 2009).