Issue - meetings

Public transport - presentation by a representative from Arriva buses. Also present will be a member of KCC’s transport integration team to answer questions on bus route planning in the area.

Meeting: 16/07/2009 - Gravesham Rural Forum (Item 26)

Wendy Lane, Principal Planner (Policy) for Gravesham Borough Council will give a brief update on the Local Development Plan (LDF) going out for consultation in the autumn and focus on rural local needs housing (rural affordable housing).

Nigel Whitburn, Community Development Manager from Action with Communities in Rural Kent (ACRK) will give a brief outline on rural local needs housing issues.


Wendy Lane from GBC and Nigel Whitburn from ACRK spoke on both the LDF as well as rural affordable housing


In the LDF -they have identified a need so far for 100 new homes to be built in the rural area.  The LDF are going out to consultation in December 09, this will come to rural areas as forums. There has been no decision yet when or where this housing will go or commence, but the report will on the council website in the January of each year once the report is published


Local needs housing

ACRK is a charity that works with rural Kent.  They provide many services one of which raises awareness of rural affordable housing (local needs housing and influences decision makers.

Local needs housing is rented for perpetuity to local people by social land lords

·         Before local Needs housing is built, there has to be local need established. This is assessed by villages, parishes etc with help from ACRK. Need local needs housing to keep population in the rural areas

·         Encourage those that have moved away to return

·         Use of exception sites, these are located on outskirts of villages and owned by social landlords i.e. Housing associations.


Questions and Answers

What area has been identified for the proposed 100 homes?

This has not been decided yet, still looking at options


Q. Has an area in Istead Rise been identified for some of these 100 extra houses?

A. People have moved here because no big estates are being built on to the village.

No, there will be no extra houses added to beyond the village envelope, only in-filling when land becomes available.


Q. there were 5 houses built behind the shops in Istead rise, why were these built when we need more sheltered housing?

A. Land behind shops was sold to KCC for library who then decided not to open a library here and sold it.


Q. How will we be notified of how may houses will be built in Gravesham rural area?

A. The report will be published on the Council website in January


Q. How do you identify needs in the rural areas

A. Questionnaires are posted or hand delivered to each household


Q. Is there housing pressure for Young People in Kent in general

A. Cannot give specific figures.  There is always a housing need for all age groups.  The survey also looks at those who have moved away with a view to encouraging them back


Q. You say there has been a need for 100 homes identified, what is to say this figure will not rise?

A. We have only 100 identified at the moment, there is nothing to say this number will increase or not.  The 100 homes identified cover the whole of the rural area not just one village.


Q. where are these 100 houses being built?

A GBC have to produce a land trajectory that is a public document. Annual monitoring report is published on the GBC website on  ...  view the full minutes text for item 26

Meeting: 31/03/2009 - Gravesham Rural Forum (Item 7.)

Public transport - presentation by a representative from Arriva buses. Also present will be a member of KCC’s transport integration team to answer questions on bus route planning in the area.