Issue - meetings

Question Time – Your opportunity to ask questions about local public services

Meeting: 14/05/2008 - Tunbridge Wells Local Board (Item 6)

Question Time – Your opportunity to ask questions about local public services


Questions were raised about:


  • Finding arrangements for pedestrian crossings. Prioritisation of crossing provision fell to the Tunbridge Wells Joint Transportation Board, and not the Local Board, and was a difficult issue, as there were many areas who felt they had a priority case for a crossing, but resources to meet these were limited.
  • Parking by taxis on private roads. This was an issue which needed to be raised with the Borough Council, and was not one for which KCC had a responsibility.
  • The need to update the Kent Road Safety Plan on the KCC web site. As Chair of the KCC Highways Advisory Board, Roger Manning agreed to respond to that issue outside of the meeting.
  • The reorganisation of Kent Highways Services. This question had also been raised at the previous meeting of the Local Board, and was referred to in the notes of that meeting. The reorganisation continued.


Local young people present at the meeting were also invited to give their general views on facilities for young people in Tunbridge Wells. They felt that the town lacked good general leisure facilities, and that the facilities which did exist tended to be sport-specific. Like many areas, the town area lacked places where young people could congregate without being seen as a local nuisance, and affordable local transport, particularly for those who did not qualify for the KCC Freedom Bus Pass, which only covered school pupils up to the age of 16.