Agenda and minutes

County Council - Thursday, 14th February, 2013 9.30 am

Venue: Council Chamber, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone

Contact: Peter Sass  01622 694002


No. Item


Apologies for Absence

Additional documents:


The Director of Governance and Law reported apologies for absence from the following Members:


Mr Roy Bullock, MBE

Mr Robert Burgess

Mr Alan Chell

Mr Tim Prater

Mrs Julie Rook

Mr Chris Wells

Mr Andrew Wickham


Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or Other Significant Interests

Additional documents:


(1)         Mr Cowan declared an interest as a foster carer with his wife in any item on the agenda relating to Children’s Services.


(2)         Mr Koowaree declared an interest in as his grandson is a Looked After Child in any item that may come up on the agenda.


(3)         Mr Whiting declared an interest as a Trustee of Age UK Sittingbourne in any item that may come up on the agenda.


(4)         Mr Lake declared an interest as a Trustee of the Kent Community Foundation in any item that may come up on the agenda.


(5)         Mrs Allen declared an interest as a Trustee of Age UK North West Kent in any item that may come up on the agenda.


(6)         Mr Brookbank declared an interest as a Trustee of Darent Valley Age UK in any item that may come up on the agenda.


(7)         Mrs S Hohler declared an interest as an owner of a rural business which is suffering through lack of rural broadband in any item that may come up on the agenda; as a governor of Kent Music which had a cut in the budget and as a governor of Skinners Kent Academy which had some money coming up in the budget.


Minutes of the meetings held on 13 December 2012 and, if in order, to be approved as a correct record pdf icon PDF 109 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meetings held on Thursday, 13 December 2012 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Chairman’s Announcements

Additional documents:


(a)       Death of Mr Reginald Ward


(1)         The Chairman announced that it was with much regret that he had to inform Members of the sad death of Reginald Ward on 17 January 2013. 


(2)         Mr Ward was a former Labour Member for Margate Central from 1972 to 1977 and for Ramsgate North from 1990 to 2001.  He had served on the former Margate Borough Council for nearly 25 years, leading the Labour Group for much of that period and he was also a member of Thanet District Council.


(3)          Mr Carter, Mr Christie and Mrs Dean gave tributes to Mr Ward.


(4)          At the end of the tributes, all Members stood in silence in memory of Mr Ward.


(5)     After the silence, it was moved by the Chairman, seconded by the Vice Chairman and:


(6)     RESOLVED unanimously that this Council desires to record the sense of loss it feels on the sad passing of Mr Ward and extends to his family and friends our heartfelt sympathy to them in their sad bereavement.


(b)       New Year’s Honours List


(7)     The Chairman stated that it gave him great pleasure to inform the County Council of the following Award in the New Year’s Honours list:


Order of the British Empire

Officer of the Order of the British Empire


Lady Julia Pender DL (Deal) – for services to the community in Kent


(8)     It was moved by the Chairman, seconded by the Vice Chairman and


(9)     RESOLVED unanimously that this Council records its sincere congratulations to Lady Pender OBE DL for the Honour she has received. 


(c)        Canterbury Oast Trust Art Exhibition


(10)     The Chairman stated that Kent County Council had a vital leadership role in supporting the engagement and role of volunteers across the county.  He said that volunteering was very important to him, and to the County as a whole.  Volunteers were the backbone of their local communities and made such a valuable contribution to individuals and to their local areas by their unstinting commitment.


(11)     The Chairman explained that he had hosted a showcase event for Canterbury Oast Trust on the 22 January and their art exhibition was displayed in the Stone Gallery until Friday 15 January 2013.  He asked Members to take time to view their work which was also for sale.


(12)     He stated that over many years KCC had worked in partnership with Canterbury Oast Trust to volunteer staff and resources to support the work of the Organisation and share ambitions to tackle disadvantage and put the citizen in control.


(d)     Regulation Committee


(13)   The Chairman asked Members to note that there would be a short meeting of the Regulation Committee when the County Council meeting adjourned for lunch and he requested Members of the Committee to remain in the Chamber at that time.


Questions pdf icon PDF 85 KB

Additional documents:


Under Procedure Rule 1.17 (4), 6 questions were asked and replies given.


Budget 2013/14 and Medium Term Financial Plan 2013/15 (including Council Tax setting for 2013/14) pdf icon PDF 198 KB

Additional documents:


(1)       The Chairman reminded all Members that any Member of a Local Authority who was liable to pay Council Tax and who had any unpaid Council Tax amount overdue for at least two months, even if there was an arrangement to pay off the arrears, must declare the fact that they are in arrears and must not cast their vote on anything related to KCC’s budget or Council Tax.


(2)       He stated that all Members would have received a letter from the Head of Democratic Services, dated 6 February, setting out the process and order of the budget debate at the meeting.  Spare copies were available should any Member require one.


(3)       The Chairman moved, the Vice Chairman seconded that:


(a)       Procedure Rule 1.12(2) be suspended in order that the meeting be extended to 5.00pm if necessary;


(b)       Procedure Rule 1.29 be suspended in order that the Leader be allowed to speak for a maximum of 15 minutes, the seconder of the original motion to speak for up to 5 minutes, the Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group and the Leader of the Labour Group for 10 minutes each, with the Leader being given a 5 minute right of reply and the Cabinet Members to speak for up to 5 minutes when introducing their individual portfolio proposals; and;


(c)        Procedure Rule 1.36 be suspended in order for the mover and seconder of the original motion to be permitted to speak on more than one occasion.

Carried without a vote


(3)               The Chairman then invited Mr Wood, Corporate Director of Finance & Procurement, to give a presentation on the various changes to central Government grants insofar as they related to the County Council and other aspects relating to the budget process, including his advice on the level of reserves.


(4)               Mr Carter moved, Mr Simmonds seconded the approval of the contents of the attached Budget 2013/14 and Medium Term Financial Plan 2013/15 (including Council Tax setting for 2013/14) and to approve the following proposals:


(a)          the Revenue Budget proposals for 2013/14;


(b)          the Annual Revenue Budget requirement of £954.007m;


(c)          the Capital Investment proposals of £694.548m over three years, together with the necessary use of borrowing, revenue, grants, capital receipts, renewals and other earmarked capital funds, external funding and PFI, subject to approval to spend arrangements;


(d)          the Prudential Indicators as set out in Appendix Bof the attached Medium Term Financial Plan;


(e)          the revised Treasury Management Strategy as per section 5 of the MTFP


(f)            the overall Revenue and Capital Budget proposals as presented in the white combed version of the Budget Book and Medium Term Financial Plan for:


·                Adult Social Care and Public Health;

·                Business Strategy, performance and Health Reform;

·                Customer and Communities;

·                Democracy and Partnerships;

·                Education, Learning and Skills;

·                Environment, Highways and Waste;

·                Finance and Business Support;

·                Regeneration and Economic Development;

·                Specialist Children’s Services

·                Localism & Partnerships;


and to delegate responsibility to the portfolio holders to deliver their responsibilities within the overall resources approved by the County Council  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.