Venue: Council Chamber, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone. View directions
Contact: Joel Cook 03000 416892
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Additional documents: Minutes: The General Counsel reported apologies from Mr Peter Harman, Mr Steve Manion, Ms Lottie Parfitt-Reid, Mr John Wright, Ms Margot McArthur, Mr Jan Ozog, Mr Barry Lewis and Mr Booth. Members were advised that Mr Booth was joining the meeting virtually.
Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or Other Significant Interests in items on the agenda Additional documents: Minutes: Ms Meade declared an interest in item 13 (motions for time-limited debate) in that she was a carer.
Mrs Wright declared an interest in item 13 (motions for time-limited debate) in that she was an appointee for a family member.
Minutes of the meeting held on 23 July 2021 PDF 326 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 23 July 2021, subject to a correction in relation to the attendance of Mr Dendor and Mr Beart, be approved as a correct record.
Corporate Parenting Panel - Minutes of the meeting held on 20 July 2021 for noting PDF 412 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Vice-Chairman highlighted to Members that Mrs Allen chaired KCC’s Corporate Parenting Panel for many years and was particularly keen to ensure the needs of young people were always considered as a priority. Mrs Allen championed the continued consideration of Corporate Parenting Panel minutes and Full Council meetings.
RESOLVED that the notes of the Corporate Parenting Panel held on 20 July 2021 be noted.
Vice-Chairman's Announcements Additional documents: Minutes:
1) The Vice-Chairman, with the deepest sadness and regret, announced the passing of Ann Allen, Chairman of the Council.
2) Tributes were made by Mr Gough, Mr Kite, Dr Sullivan, Mr Hook, Mr Stepto, Mrs Dean, Mr Cooke, Mr Oakford, Mrs Cole, Mr Love, Mr Simkins, Mr Sweetland, Ms Grehan, Sir Paul Carter and Mrs Chandler. Video tributes were also shown from the Chair of the Kent Youth County Council, Kent Foster Care Association (the Chairman's chosen charity) and young people who had worked with Mrs Allen.
3) In the course of the tributes, as suggested by Mr Kite and agreed by the Vice-Chairman, the Council held a one-minute round of applause in memory of Ann Allen.
4) The Vice-Chairman thanked all those who offered such heartfelt tributes as part of the meeting.
Additional documents: Minutes: In accordance with Sections 14.15 to 14.22 of the Constitution, 11 questions were asked and replies given. A record of all questions put and answers given at the meeting is available online with the papers for this meeting.
Report by Leader of the Council (Oral) Additional documents: Minutes: (1) The Leader updated the Council on events since the previous meeting.
(2) Mr Gough referred to the Comprehensive Spending Review and Budget. The outcome of the spending review had been better than expected, however, this remained a challenging area with continued pressure within demand-led services particularly in adult social care and children’s services. In addition to this the Council Tax Referendum limit had been reduced, the result of this was that spending power shifted slightly from a reliance on council tax to reliance on government support, this was a marginal impact but nevertheless was welcomed.
(3) A series of announcements regarding grants had been received, many very positive and these included the ZEBRA grant for transport funding, and in relation to the Levelling Up Find and the Community Renewal Fund there had been significant awards in Ramsgate, Margate, and in relation to the New Town works in Ashford. These were welcomed.
(4) Mr Gough reflected on the changes within the government and considered that there was further opportunity for local government with Michael Gove at the newly named Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.
(5) Mr Gough referred to asylum. The Council had resumed taking young people into its care with a further 193 unaccompanied asylum seeking children (UASC) being taken into care since August 2021. The current number of looked-after children from a UASC background was 361.
(6) The Council had been very active in the run up to the end of the Brexit transition and it sought to continue to work with the government to ensure cross country provision in the event of a crisis or disruption.
(7) In relation to the Green Agenda and COP26 the Leader drew attention to the two detailed reports recently received by Cabinet in relation to the Council’s approach to Net Zero and to dealing with adaptation and other key elements in its response to the ecological and climate pressures.
(8) Lastly, the Leader commended the Council’s submission under the National Bus Strategy: The Bus Service and Improvement Plan which was now with the government.
(9) Dr Sullivan, the Leader of the Opposition, asked about additional funding for the reopening of children’s centres and expressed her wish for no more cuts to services.
(10) With regards to UASC Dr Sullivan stated that the Council must do everything possible to ensure that more lives are not lost. The new redistribution system was not mandatory and it was hoped that there was not a breakdown in the council’s statutory duties due to a failure of all authorities to deal with the related problems.
(11) Dr Sullivan referred to COP26 and the strides the council was taking to tackle the green agenda. There were many challenges and costs and there were questions over who would bear those costs.
(12) Mr Hook, Leader of the Liberal Democrats Group referred to COVID and the situation which, he commented, had worsened since July. He thanked Mr Watts, Mr Cook and all the staff who had worked ... view the full minutes text for item 32. |
Building Back Better - Update on Making a Difference Every Day PDF 690 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: 1) Mrs Bell proposed and Mr Meade seconded the motion that;
"The County Council notes the report."
2) Following the debate the Vice-Chairman put the motion set out in paragraph 1.
RESOLVED that the County Council note the report.
Following consideration of this item, the Vice-Chairman proposed and the Leader of the Council seconded the following procedural motion:
That under s14.70 (e) of the Constitution that, the Council agrees to extend the time of the meeting beyond 16:30 if required.
No debate took place and the motion was agreed without a formal vote.
RESOLVED that under s14.70 (e) of the Constitution that, the Council agree to extend the time of the meeting beyond 16:30 if required. |
Treasury Management - Annual Review 2020/21 PDF 790 KB Additional documents: Minutes: 1) Mr Oakford proposed and Mr Cooper seconded the motion that;
"The County Council notes the report."
2) Following the debate, during which a written answer was requested by Mr Brady of Mr Cooper (subsequently provided via Democratic Services), the Chairman put the motion set out in paragraph 1.
RESOLVED that the County Council note the report.
Member Remuneration PDF 227 KB Additional documents: Minutes: 1) Mr Gough proposed and Mr Oakford seconded the motion that;
a) Note the report;
b) Note the report of the Member Remuneration Panel and thank the Panel Members for their work; and
c) Agree the changes to the Members’ Allowances Scheme as set out in Appendix 1, this scheme to be in place until 31 March 2025 including:
i. No change to the Basic Allowance, Special Responsibility Allowances and Dependents’ Carers’ Allowances for 2021/22;
ii. Removal of the SRA for the Lead Member for Partnerships;
iii. Annual indexation mechanism to be the average of the TCP pay award ‘Successful’ rating applying to the same year as the Members’ allowance increase, and the average of the increases proposed by the 8 Pay Review Bodies in the preceding year;
iv. The current SRA for the Leader of each Opposition Group (of at least five Members) to be replaced with an SRA equivalent to 33% of the Leader’s SRA, subject to a maximum SRA allocation for this role of 3 times the Opposition Group Leader SRA to be divided equally amongst the Opposition Group Leaders where there are more than 3;
v. The change to the SRAs of the Opposition Group Leaders will be deemed to have taken effect from 1 November 2021;
vi. The annual scheme to be agreed with the annual budget for the year and coming into effect at the beginning of each municipal year;
vii. That Member attendance at meetings will be tabulated and published as soon as is practical;
viii. That the Selection and Member Services Committee be asked to consider whether there is anything in how we operate which militates against a more diverse membership; and
ix. That the Selection and Member Services Committee also be asked to consider what additional information could be published to give a more accurate picture of Member contribution as well as how to better promote the Dependents’ Carers’ Allowance.
2) Following debate the Vice-Chairman put the motion set out in paragraph 1 to the vote. The voting was as follows:
For (52)
Mr Baker, Mr M Baldock, Mr P Bartlett, Mr D Beaney, Mr C Beart, Mrs C Bell, Mrs R Binks, Mr D L Brazier, Mr C Broadley, Mrs B Bruneau, Mr S R Campkin, Mr T Cannon, Miss S J Carey, Sir Paul Carter, CBE, Mrs S Chandler, Mr I S Chittenden, Mrs P T Cole, Mr P Cole, Mr G Cooke, Mr P C Cooper, Mr D Crow-Brown, Mr M C Dance, MBE, Mr M Dendor, Mr R W Gough, Mr P M Hill, OBE, Mr A R Hills, Mrs S V Hohler, Mr M A J Hood, Mr D Jeffrey, Mr J A Kite, MBE, Mr Lehmann, Mr R C Love, OBE, Mr R A Marsh, Mr J P McInroy, Mr J Meade, Mr D Murphy, Mr P J Oakford, Mr O Richardson, Mr A M Ridgers, Mr D Robey, Mr D Ross, Mr C Simkins, Mr M J Sole, Mr P Stepto, Mr R G ... view the full minutes text for item 35. |
Top Tier County Council Structure PDF 130 KB Additional documents: Minutes: 1) Mr Gough proposed and Mr Oakford the motion that;
"The Council agree; (a) The introduction of a new post of Director of Technology reporting to the Head of Paid Service. (b) The permanent change of reporting line for the Director of Public Health from the Strategic Commissioner to the Corporate Director Adult Social Care and Health with immediate effect."
2) Following debate the Vice-Chairman put the motion set out in paragraph 1 to the vote. The voting was as follows:
For (57)
Mr Baker, Mr P Bartlett, Mr D Beaney, Mr C Beart, Mrs C Bell, Mrs R Binks, Mr D L Brazier, Mr C Broadley, Mrs B Bruneau, Mr S R Campkin, Mr T Cannon, Miss S J Carey, Sir Paul Carter, CBE, Mrs S Chandler, Mr I S Chittenden, Mrs P T Cole, Mr P Cole, Mr N J Collor, Mr G Cooke, Mr P C Cooper, Mr D Crow-Brown, Mr M C Dance, Mrs T Dean, MBE, Mr M Dendor, Mr R W Gough, Ms S Hamilton, Mr P M Hill, OBE, Mr A R Hills, Mrs S V Hohler, Mr M A J Hood, Mr A J Hook, Mrs S Hudson, Mr D Jeffrey, Mr A Kennedy, Mr J A Kite, MBE, Mr Lehmann, Mr R C Love, OBE, Mr R A Marsh, Mr J P McInroy, Mr J Meade, Mr D Murphy, Mr P J Oakford, Mr H Rayner, Mr O Richardson, Mr A M Ridgers, Mr D Robey, Mr D Ross, Mr C Simkins, Mr M J Sole, Mr P Stepto, Mr R G Streatfeild, MBE, Mr B J Sweetland, Mr R J Thomas, Mr D Watkins, Mr A Weatherhead, Mr S Webb, Ms L Wright
Abstain (6)
Mr A Brady, Ms K Constantine, Ms M Dawkins, Ms K Grehan, Ms J Meade, Dr L Sullivan,
Against (1)
Mr M Baldock
Motion carried RESOLVED that the County Council agree:
(a) The introduction of a new post of Director of Technology reporting to the Head of Paid Service. (b) The permanent change of reporting line for the Director of Public Health from the Strategic Commissioner to the Corporate Director Adult Social Care and Health with immediate effect.
Armed Forces Covenant PDF 160 KB Additional documents: Minutes: 1) Mr Richardson proposed and Mr Crow-Brown seconded the motion that;
"The County Council notes the update."
2) Canon Peter Bruinvels provided a detailed briefing and answered Members' questions. It was highlighted that Mrs Allen, as Chairman of the County Council was keen for the Council to receive the update on the Armed Forces Covenant.
3) Following debate the Vice-Chairman put the motion set out in paragraph 1.
RESOLVED that the County Council note the update.
Motions for Time Limited Debate Motion to Support the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill Proposed by Mr Paul Stepto and Seconded by Mr Steve Campkin
Background Information – supplied by the Green & Independent Group Humans have already caused irreversible climate change, the impacts of which are being felt in the UK and around the world. Global temperatures have increased by 1 degree Celsius from pre-industrial levels. Atmospheric CO2 levels are above 400 parts per million (ppm) and continue to rise. This far exceeds the 350 ppm deemed to be a safe level for humanity. The current UK target of net zero by 2050 is not satisfactory because the damage already done will be irreversible.
Without more significant and sustained action, the world is set to exceed the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C limit between 2030 and 2040.The increase in harm caused by a rise of 2°C rather than 1.5°C is significant. This is described by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C published in October 2018. According to the IPCC, limiting heating to 1.5°C may still be possible with ambitious action from national and sub-national authorities, civil society, the private sector and local communities. The costs of failing to address this crisis will far outstrip the investments required to prevent it. Investing now will bring many benefits in the form of good jobs, breathable air in cities and thriving communities.
The Council is asked to take into account that;
1. This council has recognised the UK climate emergency; 2. There is a Bill before Parliament—the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill (published as the “Climate and Ecology Bill”)—according to which the Government must develop an emergency strategy that: a. requires that the UK plays its fair and proper role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions consistent with limiting global temperature increase to 1.5 degrees C above pre-industrial temperatures; b. ensures that all the UK’s consumption emissions are accounted for; c. includes emissions from aviation and shipping; d. protects and restores biodiverse habitats along overseas supply chains; e. restores and regenerates the UK’s depleted soils, wildlife habitats and species populations to healthy and robust states, maximising their capacity to absorb CO2 and their resistance to climate heating; f. sets up an independent Citizens’ Assembly, representative of the UK’s population, to engage with Parliament and Government and help develop the emergency strategy. 3. 118 Councils have passed motions in support of the CEE Bill.
Motion Kent County Council shows itssupport for the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill by requesting that the Cabinet Member for Environment;
1. Promotes this council’s support of the Bill to the CEE Bill Alliance, the organisers of the campaign for the Bill, as well as to the local media. 2. Writes to Kent MPs, asking them to show support for the Bill.
Motion to Support our Kent Carers
Proposed by Mrs Kelly Grehan and seconded by Mrs Jackie Meade
Background Information – supplied by the Labour Group
Across the UK it is estimated that there are 13.6 million ... view the full agenda text for item 38. Additional documents: Minutes: Motion for Time-limited Debate 1:
1) Mr Stepto proposed and Mr Campkin seconded the following motion for time-limited debate;
Kent County Council shows its support for the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill by requesting that the Cabinet Member for Environment;
1. Promotes this council’s support of the Bill to the CEE Bill Alliance, the organisers of the campaign for the Bill, as well as to the local media. 2. Writes to Kent MPs, asking them to show support for the Bill.
2) Ms Carey proposed and Mr Hills seconded the following amendment;
Kent County Council shows its continuing support for the Climate Change Act 2008 (2050 Target Amendment) Order 2019 and Ecological Emergency Bill by requesting that the Cabinet Member for Environment;
3. Congratulates KCC officers for being shortlisted for an LGC award in the 'Climate Response' category and wishes them success in the final.
3) Following discussion between Members and consideration by the Vice-Chairman of the procedural arrangements for this motion and amendment, the Vice-Chairman confirmed that the motion would not be debated and accepted that withdrawal of both the original motion and the amendment.
Motion for Time-Limited Debate Two:
1) Ms Grehan proposed and Ms Meade seconded the following motion for time-limited debate:
County Council requests that the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health;
1. Revisits the approach to the ‘Making a Difference Every Day’ Strategy and the Carers’ Strategy, ensuring that an integrated approach is adopted throughout, led by qualified staff in social care and informed by service users and frontline practitioners. All of the feedback that has been gathered from the Adult Social Care Strategy consultation can be used but must be used in conjunction and integrated with the feedback received from the Carers Strategy to ensure that the needs and views of our carers and cared for are adequately reflected and listened to;
2. Develop a Carers’ Strategy that is co-produced by carers and frontline qualified practitioners. Reach out to all organisations that represent carers in Kent, including and especially young carers, and ask for (and most importantly feedback to them) their views of service provision to ensure that carer’s lived experience is integrated and acted upon;
3. Provide carers with the opportunity to sit on key advisory and decision-making bodies for health and social care providers (or allow them to nominate a representative to act on their behalf) and actively involve carers in the commissioning process. For example, several Councils have developed a ‘Multi-Agency Carers Strategy Group’, which regularly discusses strategy, practice and policy with carers, carers support providers and carers support commissioners;
4. Support carer’s ... view the full minutes text for item 38. |