Venue: Clive Emson Conference Centre, Kent Showground, Maidstone ME14 3JF
Contact: Joel Cook 03000416892
Note: Budget
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: The General Counsel reported apologies from Mr Stepto, Mr Daly, Mr Manion, Mr Watkins, Mrs McArthur, Mr Broadley and Mr Collar.
Election of Chairman Minutes: 1) Mr Gough proposed and Mr Campkin seconded that Mrs Game be elected Chairman of the Council.
Agreed unanimously
Election of Vice-Chairman Minutes: 1) Sir Paul Carter proposed and Mr Marsh seconded that Mr Gary Cooke be elected Vice-Chairman of the Council.
Agreed unanimously
Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or Other Significant Interests in items on the agenda Minutes: Ms Meade declared that she was carer.
Dr Sullivan declared that her husband was a KCC employee.
Mrs Dean declared that she was the Chair of West Malling Parish Council, which had an interest in a KCC property was disposing.
Mrs Wright declared an interest that she was an appointee for a family member.
Minutes: 1) The General Counsel responded to a query in relation to interim agreements for managing Motions for Time Limited Debate.
RESOLVED that subject to corrections to the voting list on item 13 in relation to the Carer motion for time limited debate, the minutes of the meeting held on 5 November 2021 be approved as a correct record.
Chairman's Announcements Minutes: 1) The Chairman delivered the sad news that Mr Ivor Jones, former KCC Member, had passed away. The Chairman confirmed that tributes would be paid at the next ordinary meeting of the County Council.
2) Members observed a minute’s silence in memory of Mr Jones.
Section 25 Assurance Statement PDF 160 KB Minutes: 1) Mr Oakford proposed and Mr Gough seconded the motion that:
“Pursuant to section 25 of the Local Government Act, the County Council is asked to NOTE this report and AGREE to have due regard to the contents when making decisions about the budget.”
2) The Corporate Director for Finance, as the s151 Officer provided an overview of the Section 25 Assurance Statement. She confirmed that this report set out her professional opinion as s151 Officer as to the robustness of the budget estimates and the level of reserves. She advised that this view took account of a range of factors including the wider financial environment and the level of uncertainty and risk faced by the Council in 2022/23 and over the medium term. Key points highlighted included that the budget assumed some significant risks would be mitigated and managed, including inflation, resisting significant demand and price increase pressures and delivering savings in good time. The professional view was based on the above challenges being addressed in a robust and timely manner.
RESOLVED that Pursuant to section 25 of the Local Government Act, the County Council noted the report and agreed to have due regard to the contents when making decisions about the budget.
Additional documents:
Minutes: 1) The Chairman reminded all Members that any Member of a Local Authority who was liable to pay Council Tax, and who had any unpaid Council Tax amount overdue for at least two months, even if there was an arrangement to pay off the arrears, must declare the fact that they are in arrears and must not cast their vote on anything related to KCC’s Budget or Council Tax.
2) The Chairman drew Members’ attention to the Section 25 Assurance Statement, as considered under the previous item, reminding them of the agreement by Council to give it due regard while considering the Budget.
3) Mr Oakford proposed and Mr Gough Seconded the following motion:
County Council, having given due regard to the s25 Report (published for consideration and noting as agenda item 4 of this meeting), is asked to agree the draft budget, medium term plan and capital programme including:
2022-32 Capital Programme (a) The 10-year Capital programme and investment proposals of £1,702.2m over the years from 2022-23 to 2031-32 together with the necessary funding and subject to approval to spend arrangements. (b) The directorate capital programmes as set out in appendices A & B of the final draft budget report published on 2nd February 2022.
2022-23 Revenue Budget and Medium Term Financial Plan (c) The net revenue budget requirement of £1,182.7m for 2022-23. (d) The directorate revenue budget proposals for 2022-23 and the medium term financial plan as set out appendices D (high level 3 year plan), E (2022-23 key services), appendix F (variations for 2022-23) and G (variations for 2022-25) of the final draft budget report published on 2nd February 2022.
2022-23 Council Tax (e) To increase Council Tax band rates up to the maximum permitted without a referendum as set out in section 6.10 (table 4) in the final draft report published on 2nd February 2022. (f) To levy the additional 1% social care precept (raising an additional £7.959m and taking the total social care precept to £97,589,100 out of the total precept set out in recommendation (3c) below). (g) The total Council Tax requirement of £823,094,400 to be raised through precepts on districts as set out in section 6.9 (table 3) in the final draft report published on 2nd February 2022.
Kent Pay Scheme 2022-23 (h) The recommendations from Personnel Committee on the changes to Kent Pay Scheme as set out in section 7.7 of the final draft budget published on 2nd February 2022
Key Strategies (i) The Capital Strategy as set out in appendix L of the final draft report published on 2nd February 2022 including the Prudential Indicators. (j) The Treasury Management Strategy as set out in appendix M of the final draft report published on 2nd February 2022 (k) The Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) Statement as set out in appendix O of the final draft report published on 2nd February 2022. (l) The Reserves Policy as set out in appendix I, including rollover procedures for 2021-22 outturn ... view the full minutes text for item 46. |