Agenda and minutes

Annual Meeting, County Council - Thursday, 26th May, 2022 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone. View directions

Contact: Joel Cook, Democratic Services Manager  03000 416287


No. Item


Apologies for Absence

Additional documents:


The General Counsel reported apologies from Mr David Brazier, Sir Paul Carter, Mr Ian Chittenden, Mrs Margot McArthur, Mrs Karen Constantine, and Mr Mark Dance.


Mr Sweetland said apologies had also been received from Mr Conrad Broadly and Mr Jeremy Kite. Mrs Sarah Hamilton would be arriving late to the meeting.


Election of Chairman

Additional documents:


(1)      Mr R Gough proposed, and Mr P Stepto seconded that Mrs L Game be appointed Chairman of the County Council.


Agreed unanimously


(2)      Thereupon Mrs Game took the chair, made her Declaration of Acceptance of Office, and returned thanks for her election.


Election of Vice-Chairman

Additional documents:


(1)      Mr P Cooper proposed, and Mr A Marsh seconded that Mr G Cooke be appointed Vice-Chairman of the County Council.


Agreed unanimously


(2)      Mr Cooke made his Declaration of Acceptance of Office and returned thanks for his appointment.


Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or Other Significant Interests in items on the agenda

Additional documents:


Mr Streatfeild declared a non-pecuniary interest under Item 9 – Strategic Statement - and said a family member was in receipt of an Education, Health, and Care Plan (EHCP).


Later in the meeting Mr Webb declared a potential interest under Item 12 – Superannuation Fund Committee – proposed name change - as he was in receipt of a Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) pension.


Minutes of the meeting held on 10 March 2022 and, if in order, to be approved as a correct record pdf icon PDF 247 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 10 March 2022 be approved as a correct record, subject to the following corrections: 


(1)       The addition of the word “not” in paragraph 31 on page 9 of the Minutes:


“Finally, Mr Gough responded to Dr Sullivan’s point about devolution. He said the Council was the strategic authority providing a wide range of services across the whole of Kent but this did not mean it would seek to do everything or hold back devolution. He said his focus as Leader was working closely with district colleagues, and the voluntary and community sector. Mr Gough said if there was a challenge to the Council delivering it, it would be the financial pressure already experienced before and made worse by the current crisis.”


(2)       Mr Sandhu be included as present in the Minutes.


Chairman's Announcements

Additional documents:


Texas School Shooting


(1)        The Chairman asked Members to join her in remembering the families and friends of the victims and all those affected by the tragic shooting at Robb Elementary School in Texas, and said it was a terrible heart-wrenching crime.




(2)        The Chairman, on behalf of the Council, expressed her sympathy and concern for the continued war against the Ukraine, the horrific devastation that had been caused, and the escalating humanitarian crisis that had been created and which had affected millions.  She said the Council remained focussed on supporting the Ukraine and was actively working with partners to provide immediate assistance to any Ukrainian nationals arriving in Kent and would endeavour to ensure they received the warmest welcome to the county.


Matt Dunkley Retirement


(3)        The Chairman paid tribute to Matt Dunkley, Corporate Director of Children, Young People and Education, who was retiring from the Council in May 2022.  Mr Dunkley joined KCC as the Corporate Director for Children, Young People and Education on 27th November 2017.  Mr Dunkley was a past President of the Association of Directors of Children's Services (ADCS) and was the Director of Children's Services at East Sussex County Council for 8 years.  He lived and worked in the USA and Australia and was Interim DCS with Norfolk County Council for 9 months, where he led the service out of Ofsted intervention, before joining Kent.


(4)        The Chairman said Mr Dunkley, during his time with KCC, had led a major restructure of children’s services, realigning Early Help and Children’s Social Work into one service, and bringing the Disabled Children & Young People’s Service from Adults into Children’s services, ensuring vulnerable children and families received consistent and seamless support regardless of their needs.  Mr Dunkley led the directorate through the pandemic, during which time frontline staff continued to regularly visit vulnerable children and families and in the final month before his retirement he had overseen an Ofsted inspection of children’s services. 


(5)        The Chairman asked Members to join her in thanking Mr Dunkley for his service to the County and the Council and wished him all the very best for the future.


Andy Tait Retirement


(6)        The Chairman paid tribute to Andy Tait, Democratic Services Officer, who after many years’ service at KCC, was retiring in June 2022.  She said Mr Tait had been a stalwart member of Democratic Services for nearly four decades and started work at the Council on 1 April 1985. 


(7)        Throughout his service, Mr Tait had brought the highest standards of good governance and fairness in supporting meetings, working to support all Members of the Council to fulfil their democratically elected roles. 


(8)        The Chairman, on behalf of the Council, thanked Mr Tait for his service to KCC and wished him well in his retirement. 


Virtual School Kent Award


(9)        The Chairman was delighted to announce that Virtual School Kent had become the first virtual school to be awarded the National Nurturing Virtual School Programme Award. The NurtureUK award followed  ...  view the full minutes text for item 70.


Questions pdf icon PDF 350 KB

Additional documents:


(1)      The General Counsel responded to a query from a Member regarding answers from Cabinet Members.


(2)      In accordance with Sections 14.15 to 14.22 of the Constitution, 8 questions were asked, and replies given. A record of all questions put and answers given at the meeting is available online with the papers for this meeting. Questions 10 and 11 were not put in the time allocated but a written answer was provided.


Report by Leader of the Council (Oral)

Additional documents:


(1)       The Leader updated the Council on events since the previous meeting.


(2)       Mr Gough said the Strategic Statement (Item 9) and the development of the Kent & Medway Integrated Care System (Item 11), which would have normally formed part of his report, were later items on the agenda.  He also noted that some of the points he planned to address related to points that were raised in Questions (Item 7) earlier in the meeting.


(3)       Mr Gough said he was pleased to celebrate Kent Day and said it was appropriate that, the day before, so many people had gathered in Canterbury Cathedral for a service in celebration of the life of the former Chairman of the Council, Mrs Ann Allen.  He said it was a great occasion and expressed his gratitude to the Civic Office for their organisation of the event.  He said it was a privilege to share the celebration with Mrs Allen’s family and expressed his gratitude, on behalf of himself and Members, for having been part of the celebration.


(4)       Mr Gough referred to the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and said the Council was one of the first authorities in the country to waive road closure fees to facilitate street parties.  He said the Council had received 595 street party applications of which 575 had been approved. He said details of additional activities due to take place to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee were available on the Council’s website.


(5)       Mr Gough said the Council continued to be extremely active on the Homes for Ukraine Scheme and said 3,106 applications from Ukrainian nationals had been matched to 1,255 sponsors in Kent.  He said the County, District and Borough Councils were working hard to complete the relevant checks and he recognised the strain on capacity this was having.  1,272 of the £200 welcome payments had been made so far to Ukrainian guests and the first batch of £350 thank you payments was being made at the end of May 2022. Mr Gough commended the significant response that had been seen by the county and by public authorities in responding to the crisis.  Mr Gough noted the growing pressures of rematching and in year school admissions and recognised the efforts of the Council in building up capacity and seeking to respond rapidly.  Mr Gough said the Council had received nearly 6,500 expressions of interest to host Ukrainian guests from Kent households and acknowledged this could amount to, for example, 4,500 children entering the school system. Mr Gough said, alongside the Ukrainian crisis, the Council faced additional major changes and issues including the Asylum Dispersal System and the continuation of the Afghan Relocation Service.


(6)       Mr Gough said inflation and the economic crisis continued to be a major risk to the Council and there would be a continued focus on financial reporting and the monitoring of budget plans.  Mr Gough recognised the pressure of the economic crisis on residents and reiterated the point he made in response to a Member’s earlier question  ...  view the full minutes text for item 72.


Strategic Statement pdf icon PDF 463 KB

Additional documents:


(1)       Mr Gough proposed, and Mr Oakford seconded the motion that


“The County Council approves the ‘Framing Kent’s Future: Our Council Strategy 2022-2026’.”


(2)       Following the debate, the Chairman put the motion set out in paragraph 1 to the vote and the voting was as follows:


For (50)


Mr N Baker, Mr P V Barrington-King, Mr P Bartlett, Mr C Beart, Mrs C Bell, Mr T Bond, Mr A Booth, Mr T Cannon, Miss S J Carey, Mrs S Chandler, Mr N J D Chard, Mrs P T Cole, Mr P Cole, Mr N J Collor, Mr P C Cooper, Mr D Crow-Brown, Mr M Dendor, Mr R W Gough, Ms S Hamilton, Mr P M Hill, OBE, Mr A R Hills, Mrs S V Hohler, Mr S Holden, Mrs S Hudson, Mr D Jeffrey, Mr A Kennedy, Mr R C Love, OBE, Mr S C Manion, Mr R A Marsh, Mr J P McInroy, Mr J Meade, Mr D Murphy, Mr P J Oakford, Mr J M Ozog, Mrs L Parfitt-Reid, Mrs S Prendergast, Mr H Rayner, Mr O Richardson, Mr A M Ridgers, Mr D Robey, Mr D Ross, Mr A Sandhu, MBE, Mr T L Shonk, Mr B J Sweetland, Mr R J Thomas, Mr D Watkins, Mr A Weatherhead, Mr S Webb, Mr J Wright and Ms L Wright


Against (4)


Mr M Baldock, Mr D Beaney, Mr S R Campkin, Rich Lehmann


Abstain (14)


Mr A Brady, Mr D S Daley, Ms M Dawkins, Mrs T Dean, MBE, Ms K Grehan, Mr P M Harman, Mr M A J Hood, Mr A J Hook, Mr B H Lewis, Ms J Meade, Mr M J Sole, Mr P Stepto, Mr R G Streatfeild, MBE, Dr L Sullivan


Motion carried.


(3)  RESOLVED that the County Council approve the ‘Framing Kent’s Future: Our Council Strategy 2022-2026’.


Chief Executive Operating Model pdf icon PDF 229 KB

Additional documents:


(1)      Mr Gough proposed, and Mr Sweetland seconded the motion that


“The County Council:


1.    Agrees the recommendation from Personnel Committee to introduce a Chief Executive Officer post and operating model.

2.    Approves the job description for the Chief Executive Officer as set out in Appendix 1. This includes the statutory responsibilities of Head of Paid Service.

3.    Notes that David Cockburn will transition into the Chief Executive Officer role with effect from 1 July 2022, having determined the necessary support infrastructure to enable the requirements of the revised CEO role and model to be delivered.

4.    Agrees changes to two other posts in the top tier structure as outlined in section 3 of this report and shown at Appendix 2.

5.    Agrees the job descriptions for the roles of Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Director of Human Resources and Organisation Development shown at Appendices 3 and 4.

6.    Agrees the proposed changes to the Constitution shown at Appendix 5.

7.    Notes that the introduction of the new operating model will be cost neutral.”


(2)      Following the debate, the Chairman put the motion set out in paragraph 1.


(3)      RESOLVED that the County Council: 


1.    Agrees the recommendation from Personnel Committee to introduce a Chief Executive Officer post and operating model.

2.    Approves the job description for the Chief Executive Officer as set out in Appendix 1. This includes the statutory responsibilities of Head of Paid Service.

3.    Notes that David Cockburn will transition into the Chief Executive Officer role with effect from 1 July 2022, having determined the necessary support infrastructure to enable the requirements of the revised CEO role and model to be delivered.

4.    Agrees changes to two other posts in the top tier structure as outlined in section 3 of this report and shown at Appendix 2.

5.    Agrees the job descriptions for the roles of Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Director of Human Resources and Organisation Development shown at Appendices 3 and 4.

6.    Agrees the proposed changes to the Constitution shown at Appendix 5.

7.    Notes that the introduction of the new operating model will be cost neutral.


The Labour Group, Liberal Democrats Group, and Green and Independents Group asked for their abstentions against part 4 of the recommendation to be noted in the minutes.



Health and Care Partnership - Kent & Medway Integrated Care System pdf icon PDF 688 KB

Additional documents:


(1)      Mr Gough proposed, and Mrs Bell seconded the motion that


“The County Council approves the draft Terms of Reference for the Integrated Care Partnership Committee as found at Appendix 2.”


(2)      Following the debate, the Chairman put the motion set out in paragraph 1.


RESOLVED that the County Council approves the draft Terms of Reference for the Integrated Care Partnership Committee as found at Appendix 2.


Superannuation Fund Committee - proposed name change pdf icon PDF 108 KB

Additional documents:


This Item was taken after Item 9.


Mr Webb declared a potential interest as he was in receipt of an LGPS pension.


(1)      Mr Oakford proposed, and Mr Chard seconded the motion that


“The County Council agrees:


(a)  That the name of the Superannuation Fund Committee be changed to Pension Fund Committee; and

(b)  That the terms of reference of the Committee in the Constitution be amended to refer to the Pension Fund instead of the Superannuation Fund.”


(2)      Following the debate, the Chairman put the motion set out in paragraph 1.


(3)      RESOLVED that the County Council agrees:


(a)  That the name of the Superannuation Fund Committee be changed to Pension Fund Committee; and

(b)  That the terms of reference of the Committee in the Constitution be amended to refer to the Pension Fund instead of the Superannuation Fund.


Treasury Management - Q3 Update pdf icon PDF 656 KB

Additional documents:


This item was taken after item 12 and before Item 10.


(1)      Mr Oakford proposed, and Mr Cooper seconded the motion that


“The County Council notes the report.”


(2)      Following the debate, the Chairman put the motion set out in paragraph 1.


(3)      RESOLVED that the County Council notes the report.


Motions for Time Limited Debate


Motion for Time Limited Debate 1 – Public Rights of Way cross party working group


Proposer: Mike Sole

Seconder: Antony Hook


Background information – Provided by the Liberal Democrat Group


Kent’s Public Rights of Way (PROW) are a well-loved and essential community asset. Found throughout the county, but particularly in the rural areas, they are the highways and byways of those travelling by foot, of horse back or cycling. 


The PROW network is also extensively used for leisure purposes, both by residents and tourists, yet the backlog of outstanding works gets no smaller and residents are increasingly frustrated about delays in maintaining the network. 


The funds allocated to resolve the issue are inadequate and a new approach is required.





The County Council agrees;


·         To the establishment of a cross party working group to consider how best to maintain the Public Rights of Way network;

·         That the output of the working group will be considered by the responsible Executive Members for progression via any necessary formal governance arrangements; and

·         That update reports on the activity of the working party be provided to the Growth, Economic Development and Communities Cabinet Committee not less than once per annum while the working group remains in operation.


The working group’s remit will include (but not be limited to):


  1. Establishing, with local input, a list of priority routes for quicker review and resolution of problems.
  2. Reviewing options for directly funding parish and town councils to attend to issues in their areas, whilst ultimately retaining the statutory duty to maintain. 
  3. Review options for sponsorship or adoption of routes by community organisations, individuals, and businesses.
  4. Review targets for acting on reported faults and look into ways of improving updates with those making reports. 
  5. Provide clear information on vegetation cutting schedules and identification of KCC and private gates, stiles etc.
  6. Seek to improve access by considering ways of speeding up the replacement of stiles with gates, recommend targets for doing so, and look at ways of helping landowners in making required changes. 




Motion for Time Limited Debate 2 – Home to School Transport


Proposer – Rich Lehmann

Seconder – Mike Baldock


Background information – Provided by the Green & Independent Group


There are currently considerable areas of the county where children are less able to access a Grammar School because, for the purpose of home to school transport, the nearest 'appropriate' school is a non-selective mainstream school. Of the 4,400 Kent students that are eligible for free home to school transport, just 5% are Grammar school pupils. Given that 31% of secondary school pupils in Kent currently attend a Grammar school, this highlights the number of pupils that are disadvantaged by the current policy.


This Council believes every child should have the same opportunity to achieve their best, irrespective of where they live or their financial circumstances. In contrast to Kent County Council’s policy, Medway Council consider a Medway Grammar school as the nearest suitable qualifying school for pupils who have passed the Medway Test.




This Council commits  ...  view the full agenda text for item 78.

Additional documents:


Motion for Time Limited Debate 1 – Public Rights of Way cross party working group:


(1)       Mr Sole proposed and Mr Hook seconded the following motion for time-limited debate:


“The County Council agrees:


·       To the establishment of a cross party working group to consider how best to maintain the Public Rights of Way network;

·       That the output of the working group will be considered by the responsible Executive Members for progression via any necessary formal governance arrangements; and

·       That update reports on the activity of the working party be provided to the Growth, Economic Development and Communities Cabinet Committee not less than once per annum while the working group remains in operation.


The working group’s remit will include (but not be limited to):


1.    Establishing, with local input, a list of priority routes for quicker review and resolution of problems.

2.    Reviewing options for directly funding parish and town councils to attend to issues in their areas, whilst ultimately retaining the statutory duty to maintain.

3.    Review options for sponsorship or adoption of routes by community organisations, individuals, and businesses.

4.    Review targets for acting on reported faults and look into ways of improving updates with those making reports.

5.    Provide clear information on vegetation cutting schedules and identification of KCC and private gates, stiles etc.

6.    Seek to improve access by considering ways of speeding up the replacement of stiles with gates, recommend targets for doing so, and look at ways of helping landowners in making required changes.”


(2)       Following the debate, the Chairman put the substantive motion set out in paragraph 2 to the vote. The voting was as follows:


For (17)


Mr M Baldock, Mr S R Campkin, Mr P C Cooper, Ms M Dawkins, Mrs T Dean, MBE, Mr P M Harman, Mr M A J Hood, Mr A J Hook, Mr A Kennedy, Rich Lehmann, Mr B H Lewis, Ms J Meade, Mr M J Sole, Mr P Stepto, Mr R G Streatfeild, MBE, Dr L Sullivan, Mr R J Thomas


Against (45)


Mr N Baker, ,Mr P V Barrington-King, Mr P Bartlett, Mr C Beart, Mrs C Bell, Mr T Bond, Mr A Booth, Mr T Cannon, Miss S J Carey, Mrs S Chandler, Mr N J D Chard, Mrs P T Cole, Mr P Cole, Mr N J Collor, Mr D Crow-Brown, Mr M Dendor, Mr R W Gough, Ms S Hamilton, Mr P M Hill, OBE, Mr A R Hills, Mrs S V Hohler, Mr S Holden, Mr D Jeffrey, Mr R C Love, OBE, Mr S C Manion, Mr R A Marsh, Mr J P McInroy, Mr J Meade, Mr D Murphy, Mr P J Oakford, Mr J M Ozog, Mrs L Parfitt-Reid, Mrs S Prendergast, Mr H Rayner, Mr A M Ridgers, Mr D Robey, Mr D Ross, Mr A Sandhu, MBE, Mr T L Shonk, Mr B J Sweetland, Mr D Watkins, Mr A Weatherhead, Mr S Webb, Mr J Wright and Ms L Wright


Abstain (0)


Motion lost.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 78.