Agenda and minutes

County Council - Thursday, 20th October, 2022 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone. View directions

Contact: Joel Cook - Democratic Services Manager  03000 416287


No. Item


Apologies for Absence

Additional documents:


The General Counsel reported apologies for absence from Mr Cameron Beart, Mrs Rosalind Binks, Mrs Becki Bruneau, Mr Tom Cannon, Mrs Trudy Dean, Mr Sean Holden, Mr Brian Lewis, Mr Rory Love, Mr Steve Manion, Mr James McInroy, Ms Jackie Meade, Mrs Lottie Parfitt-Reid, Mr Harry Rayner, Mr Oliver Richardson, Mr Robert Thomas, and Mr Simon Webb. 


Members were advised that Mr David Brazier and Mrs Shellina Prendergast had given their formal apologies and were joining the meeting virtually. 


Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or Other Significant Interests in items on the agenda

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There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes of the meeting held on 14 July 2022 and, if in order, to be approved as a correct record pdf icon PDF 346 KB

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RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 14 July 2022 be approved as a correct record. 


Corporate Parenting Panel - Minutes for noting pdf icon PDF 316 KB

Minutes of the meeting held on 27 July 2022

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RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Corporate Parenting Panel held on 27 July 2022 be noted.


Chairman's Announcements

Additional documents:


Country Parks


(1)       The Chairman paid tribute to the four Kent County Council’s country parks which had been awarded Gold in the South and South East In Bloom Awards this year. Brockhill, Lullingstone, Shorne Woods, and Trosley Country Parks were all awarded Gold, with Brockhill also being named the South and South East Country Park of the Year for the fifth year in a row.


(2)       The Chairman was also pleased to announce that eight of the country parks achieved the Green Flag Status this year and Lullingstone Country Park became a Queen’s Green Canopy Ancient Woodland site, one of only 70 across the UK, due to its veteran tree population.


(3)       The Chairman asked Members to join her in congratulating the Country Parks Teams on their fantastic successes and praised everyone involved in making the Council’s country parks such wonderful places to visit.


Reconnect Awards


(4)       The Chairman referred to the Reconnect Community Awards which had recently taken place at the Ashford International Hotel and said she had attended to present some of the awards including an Outstanding Individual Award, a Young Volunteer Award, a Well-Being Award and a Sports and Activities award.   The Chairman said it had been a fantastic opportunity for the Council to celebrate the successes of the Reconnect Programme, and to reward some of the organisations and young people involved.


Kickboxing World Championship


(5)       The Chairman paid tribute to a young person from Aylesham who had become a World Champion in the WAKO Children, Cadet and Junior World Championships that took place in Italy in September.  Ruby Monger won the World Championship title after previously winning the World Ring Sports Associations -55KG English title in Chippenham earlier this year.  The Chairman asked Members to join her in congratulating Ruby on her fantastic successes and wished her every success in the future.


Pictures of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II


(6)       The Chairman referred to Kent’s primary school children who were invited to draw pictures of Queen Elizabeth II to be displayed in the Stone Hall and the Exhibition Hall at County Hall.  The Chairman said the response had been amazing and hundreds of pictures had been received.  She asked Members to join her in thanking all those who submitted drawings and invited Members to take some time to view the drawings.




(7)       The Chairman reaffirmed the Council’s commitment to those suffering from the conflict in Ukraine, referred to the later item about this on the agenda, and noted the presence of the Ukrainian flag in the Council Chamber.


Former Members


(8)       The Chairman, with the deepest sadness and regret, informed Members of the death of Mr George Koowaree, former Liberal Democrat Member for Ashford East from May 2004 to May 2021.


(9)       The Chairman said, in addition to his time at Kent County Council, Mr Koowaree represented North Willesborough at Ashford Borough Council and was also Mayor of Ashford in 1996 and 2016.


(10)    The Council held a one minute’s silence in memory of Mr  ...  view the full minutes text for item 97.


Questions pdf icon PDF 333 KB

Additional documents:


In accordance with Sections 14.15 to 14.22 of the Constitution, 11 questions were submitted by the deadline, 10 questions were asked, and replies given. A record of all questions put and answers given at the meeting is available online with the papers for this meeting.


Report by Leader of the Council (Oral)

Additional documents:


(1)       The Leader referred to the political changes and events that had occurred within central government since the last County Council meeting. Mr Gough said it was his policy, as he felt Members were aware, to address national issues insofar as they had an impact on the Council and its work.  He explained there were some important areas he would not address in his report, for example cost-of-living pressures and the war in Ukraine, as they were later items on the agenda. 


(2)       The Leader said the Council’s financial position was a vital issue and one that would shape a lot of conversations at Council meetings and elsewhere over the coming weeks and months.  He said it was reported at Cabinet on 29 September 2022 that for the period from April 2022 to June 2022 there was a projected overspend for the year of £50million and since then the projected overspend for the year had risen to £70million.  Mr Gough explained that the underlying cause of the projected overspend, above all, was inflation and this was also the case for other local authorities. He said the estimated impact of inflation was around £45million resulting in constant pressures on services and challenges in delivering existing savings.  Mr Gough highlighted this was just an estimate, and the Council had seen in the latter part of past years performance come in quite sharply, but he noted that the Council had never been looking at a projected set of pressures on this scale.  Mr Gough said the Council had anticipated that, post pandemic, local government would not be a priority for public spending, and along with the Local Government Association, the Council would continue to push extremely hard for additional financial support, and for local authorities in general through the County Councils Network.  He stressed that the gravity of the situation could not be doubted and the response, as discussed at the time of the February budget, of resisting pressures, taking difficult decisions and managing down the Council’s costs, had to remain the essence of what the Council sought to do across the full range of its work.


(3)       Mr Gough turned to Investment Zones, announced in the government’s mini budget in September 2022, and said this was an important initiative of which many details were still unknown, and although the Council was not irrevocably committed to anything, and it recognised challenges around issues such as environmental standards, it would be a mistake not to be engaged in the debate.  Mr Gough confirmed that judgment could be made when more detail was available and noted the excellent engagement between the Council, and districts and boroughs, in submitting a response by the deadline of 14 October 2022. 


(4)       Mr Gough said that he did not propose to address the KCC Supported Bus Funding Review in his report as it was an item later on the agenda.  He did, however, refer to the underlying issues of the commercial network in the early part of the summer  ...  view the full minutes text for item 99.


Cost of Living pdf icon PDF 700 KB

Additional documents:


(1)       Mr Gough proposed, and Mrs Bell seconded the motion that


“County Council:


(a)       Notes and discusses the impact of the cost-of-living crisis on people and households and the current response to it.

(b)       Notes that a separate report on the impacts of the crisis on businesses and enterprises and the support available will be presented to the Growth, Economic Development and Communities Cabinet Committee.

(c)       Notes that the Financial Hardship Programme will continue to provide support to people and households over the winter period.

(d)       Notes that a third round of the Household Support Fund is expected to be provided by Government and, depending on any restrictions, KCC’s intention is to allocate the funding as it has previously between support for families eligible for free school meals, some funding issued to District and Borough Councils, some funding provided through KSAS, and some funding held for dedicated support with water and energy bills.

(e)       Agrees that KCC will lobby Government to ensure that any cost-of-living grant support to local authorities has clear objectives but limited restrictions to allow KCC Page 31 and its partners to flexibly meet local need, and that capacity funding is provided to local authorities to administer and deliver any such schemes.

(f)         Agrees that KCC will lobby Government to consider the immediate and direct benefit of providing grants schemes targeted at vulnerable households to improve thermal insulation.

(g)       Notes that an emergency meeting of Joint Kent Leaders is being held on 15 September to discuss the cost-of-living crisis and how Kent councils should respond jointly.

(h)       Notes the potential for the Integrated Care Partnership to be the vehicle through which Kent and Medway partners can work together to jointly address the medium to longer term impact of the cost-of-living crisis, and that the Integrated Care Partnership will discuss a paper about cost of living at their October meeting and consider a collective response.”


(2)       Following the debate, the Chairman put the motion set out in paragraph 1.


(3)       RESOLVED that the County Council:


(a)       Notes and discusses the impact of the cost-of-living crisis on people and households and the current response to it.

(b)       Notes that a separate report on the impacts of the crisis on businesses and enterprises and the support available will be presented to the Growth, Economic Development and Communities Cabinet Committee.

(c)       Notes that the Financial Hardship Programme will continue to provide support to people and households over the winter period.

(d)       Notes that a third round of the Household Support Fund is expected to be provided by Government and, depending on any restrictions, KCC’s intention is to allocate the funding as it has previously between support for families eligible for free school meals, some funding issued to District and Borough Councils, some funding provided through KSAS, and some funding held for dedicated support with water and energy bills.

(e)       Agrees that KCC will lobby Government to ensure that any cost-of-living grant support to local authorities has clear objectives but limited restrictions  ...  view the full minutes text for item 100.


Update on Kent's Plan Bee pdf icon PDF 418 KB

Additional documents:


(1)       Miss Carey proposed, and Ms Hamilton seconded the motion that


“The County Council notes the success of Kent’s Plan Bee in its first two years and the work that will be continued into future years.”


(2)       The General Counsel clarified, following comments from Members, that the minutes from the County Council meeting on 17 May 2018 recorded that Mr Whybrow moved, and Mr Holden seconded, the motion which led to the setting up of a cross party working group to produce a pollinator action plan.


(3)       Following the debate, the Chairman put the motion set out in paragraph 1.


(4)       RESOLVED that the County Council notes the success of Kent’s Plan Bee in its first two years and the work that will be continued into future years.


Ukraine/Refugee Update report pdf icon PDF 276 KB

Additional documents:


(1)       Mr Gough proposed, and Mr Hill seconded the motion that


“The County Council comments on and notes the report.”


(2)       Following the debate, the Chairman put the motion set out in paragraph 1.


(3)       RESOLVED that the County Council notes the report.


Treasury Management Annual Review 2021-22 pdf icon PDF 513 KB

Additional documents:


(1)       Mr Oakford provided an update of the Council’s current treasury management position since the report had been written.


(2)       Mr Oakford proposed, and Mr Cooper seconded the motion that


“The County Council notes the report”.


(3)       Following the debate, the Chairman put the motion set out in paragraph 2.


(4)       RESOLVED that the County Council notes the report.


Scrutiny referral of Decision 22/00052 - KCC Supported Bus Funding Review pdf icon PDF 341 KB

Additional documents:


(1)       The General Counsel introduced the report and said that the Council may, having reviewed Executive Decision 22/00052, resolve one of the following:


(a)       Agree that the decision be implemented

(b)       express comments but not require reconsideration of the decision, or

(c)       require implementation of the decision to be postponed pending reconsideration of the matter by the Cabinet, taking into account the Council’s comments


(2)       Mr Gough proposed, and Mr Watkins seconded the motion that


“The County Council agree that the decision be implemented.”


(3)       The General Council responded to a query regarding County Council’s decision making capabilities.


(4)       Following the debate, the Chairman put the motion set out in paragraph 2 above to the vote. The voting was as follows.


For (37)


Mr N Baker, Mr P Barrington-King, Mr P Bartlett, Mrs C Bell, Mr T Bond, Mr A Booth, Mr C Broadley, Miss S Carey, Mrs S Chandler, Mr N Chard, Mr P Cole, Mrs P Cole, Mr N Collor, Mr P Cooper, Mr D Crow-Brown, Mr M Dendor, Mr R W Gough, Ms S Hamilton, Mr P M Hill, OBE, Mr A R Hills, Mrs S Hohler, Mr D Jeffrey, Mr J Kite, MBE, Mr R A Marsh, Mr J Meade, Mr D Murphy, Mr P J Oakford, Mr D Robey, Mr D Ross, Mr A Sandhu, MBE, Mr T L Shonk, Mr C Simkins, Mr B J Sweetland, Mr D Watkins, Mr A Weatherhead, Ms L Wright, Mr J Wright


Against (15)


Mr M Baldock, Mr A Brady, Mr S R Campkin, Mr I Chittenden, Ms K Constantine, Ms M Dawkins, Ms K Grehan, Mr P M Harman, Mr M Hood, Mr A Hook, Rich Lehmann, Mr M J Sole, Mr P Stepto, Mr R G Streatfeild, MBE, Dr L Sullivan


Abstain (1)


Sir Paul Carter, CBE


Motion carried.


(5)       RESOLVED that the County Council agree that the decision be implemented.


Request for Extended Leave of absence pdf icon PDF 108 KB

Additional documents:


(1)       The Chairman proposed, and the Vice-Chairman seconded the motion that


“In accordance with Section 85 (1) of the Local Government Act 1972 the County Council considers Ms Bruneau’s request for extended leave to 11 May 2023 on the grounds of ill health.”


(2)       Following the debate, the Chairman put the motion set out in paragraph 1.


(3)       RESOLVED that the County Council, in accordance with Section 85 (1) of the Local Government Act 1972 the County Council considers Ms Bruneau’s request for extended leave to 11 May 2023 on the grounds of ill health.


Motions for Time Limited Debate

Motion 1


Motion for Time Limited Debate – Kent water quality


Proposer: Mark Hood

Seconder: Mike Sole




This Council resolves to:

1.    Recognise this Council’s commitment to work collaboratively to protect Kent’s streams and rivers, in line with its own policies and the National Planning Policy Framework.


2.    Recognise that there is clear evidence of deterioration of water quality due to the impacts of combined sewer overflows events (CSO) on our streams, rivers and seas.


3.    Encourage the use of Water Cycle Strategies to be completed as integral documents in Local Plans to inform district councils regarding the sustainable level of future development.


4.    Recognise the continuing impact of wastewater discharges, including untreated sewage in our local rivers and seas on wildlife, the health of our residents and on Kents tourist economy.


5.    Continue to working constructively with other agencies and local authorities to implement flood management schemes which also improve the environment in the interests of wildlife.


6.    Continue to request that representatives of Southern Water, the Environment Agency and Natural England continue to attend relevant meetings of this Council to answer questions on the current levels of CSO and sewage plant discharge and to consider whether all future development in Kent should be Water Neutral or at least to require consumption be limited to 90lt of clean water per person in agreement with District Councils.


7.    Ask Southern Water to clarify, for developments being processed by our planning department, which treatment works will be managing the sewerage and whether there is available capacity to avoid combined sewer overflows; whether it has the information available to assess the impact on the number or duration of sewage discharges into local rivers or seas and if it does have this information, to share it (noting that this can only be requested not required).


8.    Acknowledge that reducing demand for water, reducing the amount of non-foul wastewater finding its way to Waste Water Treatment Works and ensuring that clean surface water is fed instead into Kent’s streams and rivers can reduce eutrophication on our slow flowing rivers.




Motion 2



Motion for Time Limited Debate – Fracking



Proposer:  Antony Hook

Seconder:  Richard Streatfeild




This council resolves to record its profound concern about the possibility of fracking in Kent and asks the Leader of the Council to convey these concerns to the UK Government.





Additional documents:


Motion for Time Limited Debate 1 – Kent Water Quality


(1)       Mr Hood proposed and Mr Sole seconded the following motion for time-limited debate:


“The County Council resolves to:


1.     Recognise this Council’s commitment to work collaboratively to protect Kent’s streams and rivers, in line with its own policies and the National Planning Policy Framework.

2.     Recognise that there is clear evidence of deterioration of water quality due to the impacts of combined sewer overflows events (CSO) on our streams, rivers and seas.

3.     Encourage the use of Water Cycle Strategies to be completed as integral documents in Local Plans to inform district councils regarding the sustainable level of future development.

4.     Recognise the continuing impact of wastewater discharges, including untreated sewage in our local rivers and seas on wildlife, the health of our residents and on Kents tourist economy.

5.     Continue to working constructively with other agencies and local authorities to implement flood management schemes which also improve the environment in the interests of wildlife.

6.     Continue to request that representatives of Southern Water, the Environment Agency and Natural England continue to attend relevant meetings of this Council to answer questions on the current levels of CSO and sewage plant discharge and to consider whether all future development in Kent should be Water Neutral or at least to require consumption be limited to 90lt of clean water per person in agreement with District Councils.

7.     Ask Southern Water to clarify, for developments being processed by our planning department, which treatment works will be managing the sewerage and whether there is available capacity to avoid combined sewer overflows; whether it has the information available to assess the impact on the number or duration of sewage discharges into local rivers or seas and if it does have this information, to share it (noting that this can only be requested not required).

8.     Acknowledge that reducing demand for water, reducing the amount of non-foul wastewater finding its way to Waste Water Treatment Works and ensuring that clean surface water is fed instead into Kent’s streams and rivers can reduce eutrophication on our slow flowing rivers.”


(2)       Following the debate, Mr Kite proposed, and Mr Hood seconded the following amendment:


“The County Council resolves to:


1.     Recognise this Council’s commitment to work collaboratively to protect Kent’s streams and rivers, in line with its own policies and the National Planning Policy Framework.

2.     Recognise that there is clear evidence of deterioration of water quality due to the impacts of combined sewer overflows events (CSO) on our streams, rivers and seas.

3.     Encourage the use of Water Cycle Strategies to be completed as integral documents in Local Plans to inform district councils regarding the sustainable level of future development.

4.     Recognise the continuing impact of wastewater discharges, including untreated sewage in our local rivers and seas on wildlife, the health of our residents and on Kents tourist economy.

5.     Continue to working constructively with other agencies and local authorities to implement flood management schemes which  ...  view the full minutes text for item 106.