Venue: Council Chamber, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone. View directions
Contact: Joel Cook - Democratic Services Manager 03000 416287
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Additional documents: Minutes: The Democratic Services Manager reported apologies for absence from Mr Baldock, Mr Broadley, Mr Chard, Mr Cooper, Mr Daley, Mr Hill, Mrs Prendergast, Mr Shonk and Mr Wright.
Members were advised that Mr Dendor and Mr Streatfeild had given their formal apologies and were joining the meeting virtually.
The Democratic Services Manager said Mrs Hohler would be joining the meeting late. |
Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or Other Significant Interests in items on the agenda Additional documents: Minutes: Ms Hamilton declared an interest that she was in the process of an assessment as a Kent County Council connected foster carer. |
Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 9 February 2023 be approved as a correct record. |
Corporate Parenting Panel - Minutes for noting PDF 387 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Corporate Parenting Panel held on 13 December 2022 be noted. |
Chairman's Announcements Additional documents: Minutes: (1) The Chairman welcomed new Member, Ms Jenni Hawkins, to the Council.
Cameron Beart
(2) The Chairman referred to her announcement at the last County Council of the sad passing of Mr Cameron Beart, Member for Sheppey. She reminded Members of the Notice of Election for the Sheppey Division and said the pre-election period was an important consideration. She determined that it was necessary and right for the Council to consider tributes to Mr Beart and asked Members to be mindful of the requirement that tributes be of a personal nature and did not seek to influence the election.
(3) The Chairman invited Members to offer personal tributes to Mr Beart. Tributes were made by Mr Booth, Mr Hook, Mr Jeffrey, Dr Sullivan, Mr Lehmann, and Mr Gough.
Air Ambulance presentation
(4) The Chairman welcomed Mr David Welch, Chief Executive of the Air Ambulance Charity – Kent, Surrey and Sussex to the meeting. Mr Welch provided a presentation to Members on the important work of the Air Ambulance.
(5) Following the presentation comments and tributes were made by Mr Lewis, Mrs Binks, Mr Sandhu, and Mr Collor.
(6) The Chairman thanked Mr Welch for his time and expressed, on behalf of Members, the Council’s good wishes for the excellent work carried out by the organisation.
Theresa Grayell
(7) The Chairman informed Members of the recent retirement of Ms Theresa Grayell from the Democratic Services Team.
(8) The Chairman said that many Members would have had the pleasure of working with Theresa during their time at the Council. Ms Grayell started work in the Council’s Planning Department as a student on 4 October 1982 and moved to Democratic Services in September 1989. She was instrumental in setting up the Children’s Champion Board, now the Corporate Parenting Panel, and had supported many committees with an amazing attention to detail, thoughtfulness, and good humour. The Chairman said her enthusiasm and high standards of good governance and fairness would be missed by Members and Officers. Ms Grayell had worked hard to support all Members and had been a credit to Democratic Services and the Council as a whole.
(9) On behalf of the Council, the Chairman thanked Ms Grayell for her service to KCC and wished her well in her retirement. |
Additional documents: Minutes: In accordance with Sections 14.15 to 14.22 of the Constitution, 9 questions were submitted by the deadline, 7 questions were asked, and replies given. A record of all questions put and answers given at the meeting is available online with the papers for this meeting.
As Mr Streatfeild was not present during this item a written answer to their question was provided.
Question 9 was not put in the time allocated but a written answer was provided.
Report by Leader of the Council (Oral) Additional documents: Minutes: (1) The Leader opened his report by reflecting on the impact the winter weather had had on the county’s infrastructure, services, and residents. He commented on the cost-of-living crisis debate at the October County Council meeting and said a report on subsequent work, including the delivery of the national Household Support Fund and the locally driven Financial Hardship Programme, would be considered at Cabinet on 30 March 2023.
(2) Mr Gough said the Council had sought to work closely with its NHS partners in response to the pressures on public services within Kent and confirmed that work continued in developing that integration. He referred to the awaited Hewitt Review of Integrated Care Systems which he hoped would strengthen the local nature of health and care systems and the ability to work together.
(3) Mr Gough turned to the conclusion of the Council’s high needs safety valve negotiations with the Department for Education (DfE). He explained that the cost sharing arrangement with the DfE to eliminate accumulated deficits by 2027/2028 went alongside the Council’s plans to deliver major service change that could serve children and families better and put the Council on a financially sustainable path. He emphasised the scale of the task and the challenges involved in delivering it. Mr Gough explained that undertaking this programme of change and addressing both the safety valve and the impact of the Ofsted Care Quality Commission (CQC) revisit, came at a time when the government had published the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and Alternative Provision Improvement Plan. He welcomed many features of the plan but was doubtful that it went far enough in helping to establish a sustainable system.
(4) The Leader welcomed Josh MacAlister’s Independent Review of Children’s Social Care and the national response to it and said there was much to be positive about within the review.
(5) The Leader turned to Kent’s Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) funding award and said although it was not on the scale he had hoped for it would nonetheless deliver improvements and support network stability. He acknowledged that the sector overall remained under intense pressure but hoped that the further three months of funding from government could feed through to a medium- or longer-term support package. He said he had established a cross party member group to review and advise on the way forward.
(6) The Leader said the number of highway reports had increased fivefold in December and January and although constrained by tight funding and inflationary pressures, the pace of repairs had increased. Mr Gough welcomed the government’s budget announcement of £200million for highways maintenance for the 2023-24 financial year and explained this would mean approximately £6million for the Council.
(7) The Leader commented on the impact on Kent residents, businesses, and communities of the longstanding disruption at the borders and ports and referred to the EU Entry/Exit system (EES) which had been anticipated for Spring 2023 but had been delayed. He confirmed that £45million had been secured for improvements ... view the full minutes text for item 131. |
Top Tier Restructure PDF 206 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: (1) Mr Gough proposed, and Mr Oakford seconded the motion that
“County Council:
1. Agrees the deletion of the posts of Director – Special Educational Needs & Disability and the Director – Integrated Children’s Services posts in the Children, Young People and Education Directorate. 2. Agrees the deletion of the post of Strategic Commissioner from the Chief Executive’s Department. 3. Agrees the creation of the role of Director - Adults and Integrated Commissioning in the Adult Social Care and Health Directorate 4. Agrees the introduction of the revised posts of Director – Education & SEN, Director – Operational Integrated Children’s Services and Director – Children’s Countywide Services posts in the Children, Young People and Education Directorate 5. Agrees the descriptions for the four new roles as set out in Appendices 3, 4, 5, and 7.”
(2) Following the debate, the Chairman put the motion set out in paragraph 1.
(3) RESOLVED that the County Council:
1. Agrees the deletion of the posts of Director – Special Educational Needs & Disability and the Director – Integrated Children’s Services posts in the Children, Young People and Education Directorate. 2. Agrees the deletion of the post of Strategic Commissioner from the Chief Executive’s Department. 3. Agrees the creation of the role of Director - Adults and Integrated Commissioning in the Adult Social Care and Health Directorate 4. Agrees the introduction of the revised posts of Director – Education & SEN, Director – Operational Integrated Children’s Services and Director – Children’s Countywide Services posts in the Children, Young People and Education Directorate 5. Agrees the descriptions for the four new roles as set out in Appendices 3, 4, 5, and 7.”
The Liberal Democrats Group and Labour Group asked that their votes against the recommendation be noted in the minutes.
The following Members asked that their votes against the recommendation be noted in the minutes: Mr Campkin, Mr Harman, and Ms Hawkins.
The following Members asked that their votes to abstain from the recommendation be noted in the minutes: Mr Hood, Mr Lehmann, and Mr Stepto. |
Pay Policy Statement - 2023-24 PDF 162 KB Additional documents: Minutes: (1) Mr Kite proposed, and Mr Gough seconded the motion that
“The County Council endorses the Pay Policy Statement – 2023-24.”
(2) Following the debate, the Chairman put the motion set out in paragraph 1.
(3) RESOLVED that the County Council endorses the Pay Policy Statement – 2023-24.
The Labour Group asked that their votes to abstain from the recommendation be noted in the minutes.
Mr Chittenden asked for his vote against the recommendation be noted in the minutes. |
Treasury Management - 6 month review 2022/23 PDF 411 KB Additional documents: Minutes: (1) Mr Oakford proposed, and Mr Simkins seconded the motion that
“The County Council notes the report.”
(2) Following the debate, the Chairman put the motion set out in paragraph 1.
(3) RESOLVED that the County Council notes the report. |
Motion for Time Limited Debate PDF 271 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Motion for Time Limited Debate 1 – Toxic polyfluoroalkyl substance (PFAS) pollution in Kent
(1) Mr Hook proposed and Mr Chittenden seconded the following motion for time-limited debate:
“The County Council resolves to:
a. to express its concern over PFAS pollution in Kent’s soils, waterways, and sediments, as identified by the Forever Pollution Project. b. To recommend to the Executive that: (i) work is undertaken within this authority to produce an urgent report on the extent of PFAS pollution and the associated risks in Kent, and for the findings to be presented to the Environment and Transport Cabinet Committee and this Council. (ii) a strategy on managing PFAS pollution in Kent based on the findings of the urgent report and engagement with external partners be explored.
(2) Mr Holden proposed and Mr Collor seconded the following amendment:
The County Council resolves;
a. to express its
concern to the Environment Agency about
polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) b. To recommend
(i) that the Executive presses the Environment Agency to
produce an urgent report on the extent of the risks PFAS pose in
Kent. (ii) that the Environment Agency report, including any
guidance on managing PFAS based on the findings of the report, is
presented to the Environment and Transport Cabinet Committee to
make recommendations on any necessary action to the Executive.
(3) Following the debate, the Chairman put the amendment set out in paragraph 2. Amendment carried.
(4) The Chairman put the substantive motion set out in paragraph 2.
Substantive motion carried.
(5) RESOLVED that the County Council resolves;
a. to express its concern to the Environment Agency about polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in Kent’s soils, waterways, and sediments. b. To recommend: (i) that the Executive presses the Environment Agency to produce an urgent report on the extent of the risks PFAS pose in Kent. (ii) that the Environment Agency report, including any guidance on managing PFAS based on the findings of the report, is presented to the Environment and Transport Cabinet Committee to make recommendations on any necessary action to the Executive.
Motion for Time Limited Debate raised in advance of the meeting.
The General Counsel informed Members that a Motion for Time Limited Debate received prior to the meeting would be taken to the Selection and Member Services Committee and a note would be circulated to all Members.
The Chairman invited Mr Lehmann to provide a summary of the motion. |
Request for Extended Leave of Absence PDF 107 KB Additional documents: Minutes: This Item was taken before Item 11 – Motions for Time Limited Debate.
(1) The Chairman proposed, and the Vice-Chairman seconded the motion that
“In accordance with Section 85 (1) of the Local Government Act 1972 the County Council considers Mr Daley’s request for extended leave to 20 October 2023 on the grounds of ill health.”
(2) The Chairman put the motion set out in paragraph 1.
(3) RESOLVED that the County Council, in accordance with Section 85 (1) of the Local Government Act 1972 the County Council considers Mr Daley’s request for extended leave to 20 October 2023 on the grounds of ill health. |