Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Monday, 13th September, 2010 10.00 am

Venue: Darent Room, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone. View directions

Contact: Karen Mannering / Geoff Mills  (01622) 694367/ 694289


No. Item


Minutes of the Meeting held on 12 July 2010 pdf icon PDF 102 KB

Additional documents:


The Minutes of the meeting held on 12 July 2010 were agreed and signed by the Chairman as a true record.



Transparency Programme: How We Are Spending Your Money pdf icon PDF 128 KB

Additional documents:


– Report by Mr Paul Carter, Leader of the Council; Mr Roger Gough, Cabinet Member for Corporate Support Services & Performance Management; Mr John Simmonds, Cabinet Member for Finance; and Ms Katherine Kerswell, Group Managing Director) (Debra Exall, Head of Strategic Policy and Chris Luke, Interim Director of Strategic Procurement were present for this item) 


(1)       Transparency is a major theme running through the Government agenda and this presented a major opportunity for KCC to both further improve its relationship with Kent residents through a more informed conversation, but also in regards as to how it would conduct its business in the future.


(2)       During the course of discussion Katherine Kerswell said that this agenda was a growing and evolving process and that it would be  important to build peoples confidence both in terms of the Council’s intent to be more transparent and in the information to be published. The programme detailed in the Cabinet report therefore represented a significant cultural change and would be based on the principle of assuming everything the Council did should be publicly available unless explicitly prohibited.


(3)       Resolvedthat the overarching project brief and general approach be noted and agreement be given to the publication of expenditure over £500 as set out in paragraph 4 of the Cabinet report and to the approach on contracts as set out in paragraph 5.



Revenue & Capital Budgets, Key Activity and Risk Monitoring pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Additional documents:


– Report by Mr John Simmonds, Cabinet Member for Finance; and Lynda McMullan, Director of Finance)


(1)  Mr Simmonds said the budgets set out in this report had been adjusted to reflect the government grant reductions reported to Cabinet at its meeting in July. Mr Simmonds highlighted pressures within the fostering budgets, the asylum service and in relation to inflationary pressures on waste contracts. Mr Chard said management action was in hand to reduce this pressure and also said the Council’s stock of road salt had been fully replenished.


(2)  Resolved:


(a)  that the latest monitoring position on both the revenue and capital budgets be noted


(b) that agreement be given to the realignment of revenue budgets within the KASS portfolio as detailed in paragraphs 1:1:1 and 1:1:2: of annexe 2 of the report


(c) it be noted that management action would  be required within the CFE & KASS portfolios in order to deliver a balanced outturn position


(d) the changes to the capital programme, as detailed in paragraph 4:1, be noted and agreed


(e) that £2.969m of re-phasing on the capital programme should be moved from 2010-11 capital cash limits to future years


(f) the recent government funding announcements reflected in the report and detailed in appendix 1 be noted,


(g) the latest financial health indicators and prudential indicators, as reported in appendix 4 and appendix 5 respectively be noted; and,


(h) the directorate staffing levels as at the end of June, compared to the end of March, as detailed in paragraph 8 of the report be noted.



Core Monitoring Report pdf icon PDF 72 KB

Additional documents:


– Report by Roger Gough,Cabinet Member for Corporate Support Services and Performance Management; and Group Managing Director)

(Mrs Sue  Garton, County Performance and Evaluation Manager and Mr Richard Fitzgerald, Performance Manager were present for this item) 


(1)       Mr Gough said this report provided a useful snapshot of achievements and those areas where the Council would be looking to improve. Katherine Kerswell spoke about this work in the context of the Council’s Transparency programme and the way that increasing numbers of people were accessing services and information through the Gateways.


(2)       Mrs Hohler presented a statement to Cabinet in relation to a recent unannounced inspection by Ofsted of the Council’s Duty and Assessment Service for children and families social care. The statement, a copy of which was circulated at the meeting, provided information on the circumstances of the inspection and outlined the robust action taken in order to ensure the highlighted cases were responded to swiftly, and that appropriate action had been taken. Mrs Hohler said the pressure on children’s social services was a national issue and a review was under way commissioned by the government, to which KCC was actively contributing. Further details of the Ofsted feedback together with the KCC response would be provided in a report on Safeguarding which was to be submitted to the County Council at its meeting in October. A report would also be submitted to the next meeting of the Vulnerable Children’s POSC. Mrs Hohler concluded by placing on record her thanks and that of the Cabinet to those social workers who on the Council’s behalf did so much to keep children safe.


(3)       Resolved that the Core Monitoring report together with the statement made by Mrs Hohler be noted.



Review of SEN Units - Outcome of the Evaluation of the Lead School Pilot pdf icon PDF 92 KB

Additional documents:


– Report by Mrs Sarah Hohler, Cabinet Member for Children, Families and Education; and Ms Rosalind Turner, Managing Director for Children, Families and Education) (Mr Colin Feltham, Head of SEN and Resources, CFE was present for this item)


(1)       This report set out the context for the SEN Unit Review, presented the findings of the Lead School Pilot evaluation and made recommendations and proposals for the development of a new SEN Strategy to meet the special educational needs of Kent children and young people. Mrs Hohler said that this was an important area of work and the pilot had helped to further develop good practice and this would be taken forward as part of the new SEN strategy.


(2)  Resolved:

a)     that the findings of the Lead School Evaluation be noted


b)     that Phase 2 of the Lead School Programme should not proceed in September 20103


c)      It be noted the Phase 1 Pilot would cease on 31 March 2011


d)     agreement be given to the SEN Strategy proposals, including the development of new funding arrangements and a Communication Strategy for working with parents and carers, children and young people, and,


e)     agreement be given to the timetable for taking the SEN Strategy forward as detailed in paragraph 4 of the Cabinet report.



Proposed Response to the Department of Health Consultation on Changes to the Allocation Formulae for the Learning Disability Commissioning Transfer Grant, the Preserved Rights Grant and the Aids Support Grant pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Additional documents:


– Report by Mr Graham Gibbens, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Services; and Oliver Mills, Managing Director, Kent Adult Social Services)


(1) This report provided a broad outline of the grants included in the consultation and explained the allocation formulae that it was proposed to support, the rationale for selecting those options and associated issues. The consultation was issued on 27 July 2010 and the report sought Cabinet agreement to the proposed response which had to be with the Department of Health by 6 October 2010.


(2) Resolved:

(a) that agreement be given to the response detailed in the Cabinet report to the Department of Health consultation on Changes to the Allocation Formula for the Learning Disability Commissioning Transfer Grant, the Preserved Rights Grant and the AIDS Support Grant. and


(b) that the final response be signed by the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Services in consultation with the Managing Director for Kent Adult Social Services.



Kent Healthy Weight Strategy pdf icon PDF 66 KB

Additional documents:


– Report Mr Alan Marsh, Cabinet Member for Public Health)


(1)       In introducing this report Mr Marshemphasised the importance of the issues which it covered and the strategies that it suggested in order to address these. Mr Lemon spoke about the importance of a healthy lifestyle and the work KCC was undertaking to bring to people’s attention the range of health issues that can be associated with obesity


(2)       During the course of discussion Mrs Hohler spoke about the need for people to take responsibility for their diet and lifestyle which in turn would have benefits for them as individuals as well as for the health economy.


(3)       Resolved that theHealthy Weight Strategy for Kent be endorsed.



KCC Health Inequalities Strategy pdf icon PDF 162 KB

Additional documents:


Report by Mr Alan  Marsh, Cabinet Member for Public Health) (Deborah Smith Policy Manager, Kent Public Health Department was present for this item).


(1)       This report advised members on proposed key action points in response to the Marmot report,-Fair Society, Healthy Lives commissioned by the government to provide a strategic review of health inequalities in England. The report had been anticipated by KCC and Deborah Smith briefed members on how the County Council’s own strategy had been developed on the basis of its outcomes.


(2)       During the course of discussion Mr Gibbens said he welcomed this report and the development of the Council’s strategy and he looked forward to seeing updates on its development at future meetings.


(3) Resolved:


            (a) to agree in principle to the recommendations in the Marmot report which would be prioritised and delivered through the KCC Health Inequalities Action Plan that would support the delivery of the Health Inequalities Strategy for Kent. 


            (b)  to approve the Kent County Council Health Inequalities Strategy (as appended to the Cabinet report ).

(c)   that a briefing session for Cabinet members with the Local Government Improvement and Development Agency be arranged on the emerging health and life inequalities agenda and the potential challenges for Kent.



Supporting Vulnerable Learners into Apprenticeships pdf icon PDF 90 KB

Additional documents:


– Report by Mr Mike Hill, Cabinet Member for Communities; and Ms Amanda Honey, Managing Director Communities)Mr L Christie attended for this item. Mr D Crilley,Director Community Cultural Services was also present.


(1)       In February of this year the County Council made a commitment to  the development of a scheme to support marginalised young people accessing Apprenticeships. This report outlined the target groups, outcomes and the proposed model for the delivery of that scheme and asked for confirmation of funding.


(2)       Mr Christie said he supported this work and thanked the Administration for its courage and forsight in bringing this programme forward. Mr Christie said if special action was not taken then the groups referred to in the report would be allowed to linger and therefore he emphasised the schemes importance in helping these young people into meaningful employment. He said he hoped there would be member involvement in the monitoring of the scheme and that he would be happy to be part of that.


(3)       During the course of discussion Mr King said this was a positive scheme and he wished it every success. Mr Marsh spoke about the ways in which the scheme would benefit these young people and Amanda Honey said this work would be part of the Council’s core business in supporting apprenticeship provision.


(4)       Resolved thatthe model for supporting vulnerable young people into employment be approved as detailed in the Cabinet report together with the funding proposals.


Follow up items and Decisions from Cabinet Scrutiny Committee - 21 July 2010 pdf icon PDF 72 KB

Additional documents:


– Report by Mr Peter Sass, Head of Democratic Services and Local Leadership)


(1)       The report set out the decisions from the Cabinet Scrutiny Committee meeting held on 21 July and items which the Committee had raised previously for follow up.


(2)       With respect to the comments arising from the discussion on Integrated Transport Schemes, Mr Chard said steps would be taken to see if it would be possible to time table meetings of Joint Transportation Boards closer together.

Mr Chard also said that the second rail summit was being held on 28 October 2010 and encouraged interested parties to contact him for further details.


(3)       Resolved that the comments and actions detailed in the report be noted.



The following is an unrestricted minute of a matter which was declared exempt pursuant to the provisions of Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended)


Additional documents:


Kent Academies Batch 2 Procurement


–Report by Mrs Sarah  Hohler, Cabinet Member for Children, Families and Education; and Ms Rosalind, Turner, Managing Director for Children, Families and Education) (Rebecca Spore, Head of BSF, PFI and Academies Team was present for this item) ( Mr N J Chard made declaration of personal interest as a Governor of the Knole Academy)

(1) This report sought approval to appoint a selected bidder to deliver the Kent Skinners Academy the lead scheme and the remaining academies which form the Kent Batch 2 Academies Programme. And following that appointment to obtain detailed Planning Permission and to then develop and negotiate detailed proposals in preparation to submit the Final Business Case and Award the Contract for the Kent Skinners Academy


(2) Resolved:

(a) that delegated authority be granted to the Director of Capital Programme and Infrastructure, Children, Families and Education (CFE) and the Head of the BSF team, CFE in consultation with the Cabinet Member for CFE, the Managing Director for CFE and the Leader of the Council to appoint a selected bidder following recommendations from the Evaluation panel in accordance with the evaluation methodology provided submissions were within the affordability parameters

(b) that following the announcement of the selected bidder that the BSF, PFI and Academies Team should proceed to obtain planning permission and negotiate and agree within the affordability parameters, the  detailed designs and contracts in respect of the Skinners Academy and the delivery of the remaining Batch 2 Academies should capital funding become available, and .

(c)  it be noted that a recommendation will be made to Cabinet as to the submission of the Final Business Case, the affordability position and to proceed to contract award in respect of the Skinners Academy and the Future Schools Agreement in respect of the remaining Batch 2 Academies.