Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Monday, 6th July, 2015 10.00 am

Venue: Darent Room, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone

Contact: Louise Whitaker  Tel: (01622) 694433, Email:


No. Item


Declarations of Interest

Additional documents:




Minutes of the Meeting held on 1 June 2015 pdf icon PDF 130 KB

To agree the minutes of the meeting of 1 June 2015 as a correct record.

Additional documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on 1 June 2015 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman accordingly.


Dementia Friends pdf icon PDF 395 KB

To receive a report and presentation detailing the progress of Kent’s Dementia Friendly Communities Programme and agreeing to become ‘Dementia Friends’.


Additional documents:


Cabinet received a presentation and training session in order to become ‘Dementia Friends’. 


The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health introduced the session to members, he explained that the Prime Minister had been supportive of communities becoming more dementia friendly and in December 2014 had taken the same training with his Cabinet. 


He referred to areas of good practice already being undertaken in the County and welcomed officers to the table to make the presentation and to run the training session.


Anne Tidmarsh, Emma Hanson and Alison Carter presented to Cabinet information about current practice and future aims for working with people with dementia and the dementia friends programme and how this work would support the strategic aims of KCC  [Presentation available online and on request].


Following the presentation Cabinet Members undertook exercises designed to create greater understanding of the different needs of people living with dementia and were announced as ‘dementia friends’.  Members were asked to promote understanding whenever they had the opportunity and the team offered to attend any meeting or venue that members felt would be suitable for delivery of the same or similar training.


The floor was opened for questions and discussions and the following comments were received:


Mr Carter, Leader, KCC welcomed the presentation and thanked officers for attending.  He suggested that Parish Council’s may wish to receive the training and officers confirmed that KALC would be approached as a starting point to such dissemination.


Mr Sweetland, Cabinet Member for Commercial and Traded Servcies, addressed Cabinet, he reported that he had already undertaken the dementia friends training with the Youth Advisory Board and welcomed the opportunity to encourage further work with young people many of whom would experience dementia through their grandparents, a time which could be exceptionally difficult for young people.  He confirmed the importance of raised awareness, including within the medical profession, where it was important that doctors understood that dementia was not a natural part of ageing.


Mr Cooke, Cabinet Member for Corporate and Democratic Services spoke to the meeting.  He discussed diagnosis and the reluctance of the medical profession and families to acknowledge Dementia in family members.  In particular he considered that there was a stigma attached to the illness by some older people that prevented quick diagnosis in some cases.


Mr Gibbens, closed the item by thanking those present or their committed participation, thanked those in attendance for a comprehensive and enjoyable session and looked forward to working to promote dementia awareness in the future.  He encouraged members to take action in the future to continue the promotion of the dementia friends programme, including consideration of the use of member grants to achieve such aims.


Dementia friends awareness session closed.



Budget Outturn Report: 2014-15 pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To receive the Budget outturn report for 2014 - 15

Additional documents:


Cabinet received a report providing the provisional revenue and capital budget outturn position for 2014-15, including a final update on key activity data.


Mr Simmonds, Cabinet Member for Finance and Procurement introduced the item for members; he reported the final outturn figure as contained within the report, an approximately 6.1m underspend, and briefly detailed those areas that would be subject to rollovers and other planned actions including the movement of some funds to the reserves to support future budgets.


He thanked officers and Members for the hard work that had been undertaken in order to produce a successful budget but warned that pressures were set to increase in the future and more hard work would be needed.  In particular he reported that pressures remained in SEN Home to School transport, the costs of support for unaccompanied asylum seekers and the Kent Freedom Pass.


Mr Carter, Leader, Kent County Council welcomed the successful outcome achieved and reiterated the thanks that Mr Simmonds had previously expressed to officers and members. 


It was RESOLVED that:





6 July 2015


The report, including the outturn position for 2014-15 for both the revenue and capital budgets be noted


£867.9k of the 2014-15 revenue underspending be rolled forward to fund existing commitments, as detailed in section 2 of Appendix 1.


£3,825.8k of the 2014-15 revenue underspending be rolled forward to fund the re-phasing of existing initiatives, as detailed in section 3 of Appendix 1.


£87.6k of the 2014-15 revenue underspending be rolled forward to fund the bids detailed in section 4 of Appendix 1.


£2,000k of the 2014-15 revenue underspending be provided for a Find & Fix programme of repair of pot holes.


£10k of the 2014-15 revenue underspending be donated to support the Nepalese people following the recent earthquakes there, subject to compliance with regulations.


£4,117.8k remainder of the 2014-15 revenue underspending be set aside in the earmarked reserve to support future years' budgets.


contributions to and from reserves as reflected in section 3.9, which includes all appropriate and previously agreed transfers to/from reserves, be agreed


£72.621m of capital re-phasing from 2014-15 will be added into 2015-16 and later years capital budgets, as detailed in Appendix 2 be agreed.


proposed capital cash limit changes outlined in Appendix 3 be agreed




In order that Cabinet can effectively carry out monitoring requirements.

2 – 10

In order that the budget accurately reflects the real time position, is fit for purpose enabling necessary actions to be taken, and can be reflected in the 2015-16 budget as required.









Revenue & Capital Budget Monitoring 2015-16 pdf icon PDF 176 KB

To receive the latest budget monitoring report for 2015 - 16

Additional documents:


Cabinet received the first budget monitoring report for 2015-16. The report reflected the position for each of the Directorates based on the major issues arising from the 2014-15 outturn which were either not addressed in the 2015-16 budget build because they came to light after it had been set or were continued pressures/savings that were addressed in the budget but only up to demand levels as at November/December time, when the 2015-16 budget was calculated.


The report also provided initial forecasts for both the revenue and capital budgets.


Mr Simmonds, Cabinet Member for Finance and Procurement introduced the item for members.  He reported that


IT was RESOLVED that:




6 July 2015


The initial forecast revenue and capital budget monitoring position for 2015-16, and that the revenue forecast pressure needs to be eliminated by year end, be noted.


The capital cash limit adjustments as requested in paragraphs 5.2 – 5.6 above, be agreed.




In order that Cabinet can effectively carry out monitoring requirements.


In order that the budget accurately reflects the real time position and is fit for purpose enabling necessary actions to be taken.





