Agenda and minutes

Personnel Committee - Thursday, 4th November, 2010 2.30 pm

Venue: Wantsum Room, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone. View directions

Contact: Geoff Mills  01622 69489, Email:

No. Item


Membership - to report that Mrs J Rook has joined the Committee in place of Mrs J Whittle


The members noted that Mrs J Rook had joined the Committee in place of Mrs J Whittle



Declarations of Interests by Members in items on the Agenda for this meeting.


Mr B J Sweetman made a personal declaration of interest in item 5 as he is a member of a Board within the Commercial Services Directorate.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 72 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 9 September 2010 were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.



Travel Savings pdf icon PDF 70 KB


– report by Mr Roger Gough, Cabinet Member for Corporate Support and Performance Management and Mrs Amanda Beer, Director of Personnel & Development) (Mr P Royel, Head of Employment Strategy was present fro this item)


(1)       This report asked the Committee to consider the generation of cost savings from travel expenditure by the proposed removal of Essential User and subsidised Lease Car provision.


(2)       Resolved that subject to the agreement of the County Council at its meeting on 16 December 2010:


(i) no new officers be admitted to the subsidised lease car scheme or be allocated an essential user allowance, and the essential user allowance be withdrawn from current recipients from 1 April 2011; and,


(ii) contracts for existing lease car users which come to an end before 1 April 2011 should not be renewed, however transition arrangements should be introduced which would allow an extension to 31 March 2011.



Change to Keep Succeeding pdf icon PDF 53 KB

Additional documents:


- report by Mr Jeff Hawkins – Transformation Programme Manager 


(1).      “Change to Keep Succeeding” is a report by the Group Managing Director and the Leader of the Council on the transformation of the County Council’s operating framework.  Mr Hawkins outlined the current timetable of consultation and discussion at meetings of the POSCs which would lead to the submission of a report to the County Council at its meeting on 16 December. He emphasised that this phase affected the senior management structure within the Council and reviews of other staffing structures would follow on once that process had been settled.


(2)       During the course of discussion in answer to members’ questions Mr Hawkins and Mrs Beer confirmed that subject to approval by the County Council the proposed date for the implementation of these proposals was 4 April 2011. It was also confirmed the costings set out in the report had been signed off by Corporate Finance.  Mrs Beer also explained that for those appointments that did not meet the criteria under which the post would be ‘slotted’, interviews would be held during the course of January 2011 using the procedures for the appointment of posts graded M and above as set out in the Council’s Personnel Management Rules.  Impacted staff would be advised by letter if they had been slotted or not on the day following the meeting of the County Council. That letter would also set out what posts would be subject to interview. Any person who had not been slotted but believed they should have been would be able to lodge an appeal which would need to be heard and decided on before any relevant interviews had taken place. 


(3)     Resolved that progress with the consultation process be noted and that this matter would be reported to the meeting of the County Council on 16 December 2010. 


Exempt Items

The following are unrestricted minutes of matters which the Committee resolved should be discussed pursuant to Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended) on the grounds that they involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1, 2 and 4  of part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.



Interim Director of Integrated Transport Strategy and Planning - Extension of Temporary Employment Contract


report by Mr Nick Chard, Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways & Waste and Mr Mike Austerberry, Executive Director for EHW


Resolved that the employment contract of the interim Director of Integrated Transport Strategy and Planning be extended until 24 June 2011, on the same terms and conditions.



Report regarding a Senior KCC Member of Staff


(report by Director Law and Governance and Director of Personnel and Development)


The Chairman declared consideration of this item to be urgent on the grounds that it related to the conduct of a senior member of KCC staff and the potential commencement of an investigation into certain matters in accordance with the County Council’s Personnel Management rules.