Agenda and minutes

Personnel Committee - Wednesday, 30th March, 2022 2.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone. View directions

Contact: Anna Taylor  03000 416478

No. Item



To note that Mr David Robey has joined the Committee to fill a Conservative vacancy. 


The Personnel Committee noted that Mr Robey had joined the Committee to fill a vacancy. 



Declarations of Interests by Members in items on the Agenda for this meeting.


No Declarations of Interest were made. 


Minutes - 25 January 2022 pdf icon PDF 120 KB


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 25 January 2022 were correctly recorded and that they be signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


Staff Survey pdf icon PDF 198 KB

Additional documents:


Paul Royel introduced the survey and Diane Trollope gave a presentation to Members which is available via this link:  (Public Pack)2021 Staff Survey Agenda Supplement for Personnel Committee, 30/03/2022 14:00 (


Officers responded to questions of detail and noted comments, which included the following:


a)    The wellbeing of staff was paramount, some staff were dissatisfied with their working arrangements because they were not able to work where they wanted to, whether this was in the office or at home – opinions were polarised.

b)    Pay and benefits, KCC results reflect the national position where there were high levels of dissatisfaction about pay, this could also be linked to the timing of this survey with no TCP ratings last year.

c)    A Member asked for clarification of the methodology around the survey and it was agreed that this would be discussed outside of the meeting. 

d)    Concerns were raised about support for front line staff and how best to get teams back working together as restrictions on social distancing lifted.  It was essential to engage with staff in a meaningful way that worked for all, particularly with those out in the community. 

e)    There was disappointment that only 1/3 of staff had responded to the survey and officers confirmed that although over 3700 responses after a number of surveys through the pandemic was encouraging, they were continually looking for ways to improve response rates. 


RESOLVED that the Personnel Committee note the progress and receive the presentation. 



Exclusion of the Press and Public

RESOLVED that under Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1, 2 and 4 of part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.








RESOLVED that under Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1 and 2 of part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.




(Open minutes)




Senior Management Structure


1. Mr Gough outlined the report which proposed a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) role and management model for Kent County Council.   The previous model of a Managing Director had been changed in December 2011 and since that time the council had been operating under a Head of Paid Service model.  It was intended that the change to CEO management model would be cost neutral.


2. A Member asked that the Accountabilities of the Chief Executive Officer’s job description be amended to include explicit reference to the need to work with Leaders of the Opposition. 


3. Members agreed that it was the right time for this change to be made and the Chairman confirmed that there would be further reports to Personnel Committee and the Monitoring Officer would ensure any consequential amendments to the constitution were made. 


RESOLVED that Personnel Committee


1. AGREE to recommend to the County Council the introduction of a Chief Executive Officer post and operating model.


2. APPROVE the job description for the Chief Executive Officer as set out in Appendix A subject to the inclusion of a reference to working with the Opposition Group Leaders in the accountabilities of the CEO.


3. NOTE that David Cockburn will transition into the Chief Executive Officer role with effect from 1 July 2022, having established the necessary support infrastructure to enable the requirements of the revised CEO role and model to be delivered.


4. AGREE the proposed remuneration for the Chief Executive Officer as described in paragraph 3.6 of this paper


5. NOTE that some additional changes to other posts in the top tier structure are reported in further papers to this and subsequent meetings of the Personnel Committee.


6. INSTRUCT the Monitoring Officer to advise on and propose changes to the Constitution to give effect to any changes agreed by this and any subsequent papers at this meeting and for these to be reported to the County Council.


7. INSTRUCT the Head of Paid Service to begin work on developing the implementation plan outlined in paragraph 2.11 of the report. 


Dr Sullivan asked that it be noted that she abstained on recommendation 4




Senior Management Structure (2)


(Mrs Beer, Corporate Director of People and Communications withdrew from the meeting at the start of this item)


1. Mr Gough outlined the report which proposed further changes to the top tier structure dependent on the views of Personnel Committee on the previous item.  Members discussed the proposal and asked questions which were responded to by officers.  There was support for this proposal but some members had concerns about the future structure below the CEO. 


2.  Dr Sullivan supported the concept of a Deputy CEO, however, she raised concerns around the lack of an open process to fill the post and considered that an open recruitment process would have been appropriate.  


It was confirmed that this proposal would be subject to a formal decision at County Council on 26 May 2022.    


RESOLVED that Personnel Committee


1. AGREE to recommend to the County Council introduction of a Deputy Chief Executive Officer post


2. AGREE to recommend to the County Council the deletion of the post of Corporate Director People and Communications


3. AGREE the proposed remuneration for the Deputy Chief Executive Officer as described in paragraph 2.5 of this paper.


4. AGREE the appointment to this role set out in Section 3 of this report.


5. NOTE that additional required changes to other posts in the top tier structure will be reported to future meetings of the Personnel Committee as required


Dr Sullivan asked that it be noted that she abstained on recommendation 3 and voted against recommendation 4


Mr Chittenden asked that it be noted that he abstained on recommendations 3 and 4.