Agenda and minutes

Governor Appointments Panel - Friday, 11th February, 2011 2.00 pm

Venue: Wantsum Room, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone. View directions

Contact: Andrew Tait  01622 694342

No. Item


Election of Chairman for the meeting


(1)       Mr R J Parry moved, seconded by Mr D S Daley that Mr R Tolputt be elected Chairman for the meeting.

                                                Carried Unanimously


(2)       Mr R Tolputt thereupon assumed the Chair.


Minutes - 20 December 2010 pdf icon PDF 52 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting held on 20 December 2010 are correctly recorded and that they be signed by the Chairman.


LEA Governors for Primary, Secondary and Special Schools in Kent pdf icon PDF 56 KB

Additional documents:


(1)       The Panel agreed to appoint Mr A Chell, Mrs C Hardy, Mrs Luckhurst and Mr K Webb to the Governing Body of the proposed Federation of Loose Infant and Loose Junior Schools.


(2)       The Panel agreed to the re-appointment of Mr A Day to the Governing Body of South Avenue Junior School.  Although Mr Day did not meet guideline (h), he had initially been appointed before the guideline was added in 2008.  Mr Day was now the Chairman of Governors and had provided a strong supporting statement from the Vice-Chairman. 


(3)       The Panel agreed to the appointment of Mr T Carpenter to the Governing Body of Ursuline College.  Although Mr Carpenter did not meet guideline (h), he had been a governor at the school since 2001.  His child was a sixth form pupil at the college, and the Panel agreed that Mr Carpenter had considerable experience as a governor which would continue to be of value beyond the point where his child left the college.


(4)       The Panel agreed to the re-appointment of Mrs H Best to the Governing Body of St Peter’s CEP School, Tunbridge Wells.  Although Mrs Best did not meet guideline (h), she had initially been appointed before the guideline was added in 2008.   The Panel noted that she had an exemplary attendance record and that she had undertaken a very great amount of work on the school’s behalf.   This was confirmed by the supporting letters from the Head Teacher and the governing body itself.


(5)       The Panel agreed to Mr J Keeler’s request for a further term of office as an additional governor.


(6)       The Panel did not agree to the re-appointment of Mr Y Kaushik to the governing body of White Hill Primary School in Gravesham.  This was because his attendance record was 38% and there was every reason to believe that this low level would continue.


(7)       The Panel noted with regret that Mr W Gardner had decided not to stand for a further term of office at Sandown School.


(8)       The Panel decided not to bring forward consideration of the nominations of Mr O Wyllie (Stella Maris Catholic Primary School), Mr E Lampkin (Wilmington Grammar School for Boys) and Mr S Young (Newlands Primary School) because it considered that it had insufficient information to do so.


(9)       The Panel noted the action taken under delegated powers by the Managing Director – Children, Families and Education in consultation with the Chairman to appoint Mr S Webb and Mr A Froud to the Governing Body of Lunsford Primary School.


(10)     RESOLVED that the appointments of Authority Governors in Primary, Secondary, Special Schools and Pupil Referral Units be agreed as set out in the Appendix to these Minutes.