Venue: Wantsum Room, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone. View directions
Contact: Andrew Tait 03000 416749
No. | Item |
Panel Arrangements To note that:-
1) the Panel’s Terms of Reference now include the nomination of suitably skilled individuals to serve on school governing bodies; and
2) authority has been delegated to the Corporate Director of Education, Learning and Skills (in consultation with the Chairman of the Governor Appointments Panel) to make appointments to governing bodies where the nominee meets the guidelines in full;
3) it continues to be the Panel’s responsibility to make an appointment if there are two nominees who meet the guidelines in full.
4) authority to make appointments to interim governing bodies has been delegated to the Corporate Director of Education, Learning and Skills (in consultation with the Chairman of the Governor Appointments Panel and the Local Member); and Minutes: RESOLVED that the following arrangements be noted:-
(1) The panel’s terms of reference now include the nomination of suitably skilled individuals to serve on school governing bodies;
(2) authority has been delegated to the Corporate Director of Education and Young People’s Services (in consultation with the Chairman of the Panel) to make appointments to governing bodies where the nominee meets the guidelines in full;
(3) it continues to be the Panel’s responsibility to make an appointment if there are more than one nominees who meet the guidelines in full; and
(4) authority to make appointments to interim governing bodies has been delegated to the Corporate Director of Education and Young People’s Services (in consultation with the Chairman of the Panel and the Local Member). |
Minutes - 21 November 2015 PDF 30 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting held on 21 November 2014 are correctly recorded and that they be signed by the Chairman. |
Authority Governors for Primary, Secondary and Special Schools in Kent PDF 21 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: (1) the Panel agreed to make the appointment of Mr D Horn to the governing body of John Mayne CEP School as it considered that, although his wife taught music at the school for 11/2 hours per week, this was not a sufficiently significant amount of time to constitute a conflict of interest. It was agreed that the Governor Support Officer would write to Mr Horn explaining the Authorities expectations if any such conflict did arise.
(2) RESOLVED that the appointments of Authority Governors to Primary, Secondary, Special Schools, Pupil referral Units, the Pool of Additional Governors and nominations to non-Authority Academies be agreed as set out in the Appendix to these Minutes. |