Agenda and minutes

Regulation Committee - Tuesday, 13th September, 2016 10.30 am

Venue: Council Chamber, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone. View directions

Contact: Andrew Tait  03000 416749

No. Item



To note that Mr M J Harrison has replaced Mr T Gates on the Committee


The Committee noted the appointment of Mr M J Harrison in place of Mr T Gates.


Minutes - 3 May 2016 pdf icon PDF 81 KB


RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting held on 3 May 2016 are correctly recorded and that they be signed by the Chairman.


Update from the Definitive Map Team pdf icon PDF 85 KB


(1)          The Public Rights of Way and Access Manager and the definitive Map Team Leader summarised the current position in respect of applications to amend the Definitive Map and Statement. The report also included an update on the progress of the Deregulation Act 2015 and the outstanding Village Green applications.


(2)       RESOLVED that the content of the report be noted.  


Update on Planning Enforcement Issues pdf icon PDF 100 KB

Additional documents:


(1)       The Head of Planning Applications Group gave an update on planning enforcement matters since the last meeting of the Committee. She informed the Committee that the Larkey Wood site in Chartham had now been completely cleared and highlighted the new enforcement options available to the County Council since its adoption of the Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan.


(2)       RESOLVED that the actions taken or contemplated in the report be endorsed.


Date of next meeting

To note that the next meeting of the Committee will be on Tuesday, 24 January 2017.


The Committee noted that its next meeting would take place on Tuesday, 24 January 2017.















































(Open Access to Minutes)

(Members resolved under Section 100A of the Local government Act 1972 that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following business on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 5 and 6 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.)





Update on Planning Enforcement issues


(1)       The Team Leader - Planning Enforcement gave an update on unauthorised matters, setting out actions taken or contemplated at Long Hill Playing Field, Dover; Aylesham Road, Dover; Sewage Treatment Plant, Betteshanger; Apex Business Park, Gravesend; Malling Wood, Boxley; Five Acre Wood School, Maidstone; and Little Hill Care Home, Tenterden.  


(2)       The Committee agreed to endorse the value of modern aerial photography, including the possible use of drones, as a cost effective technique for investigating planning contraventions.


(3)       RESOLVED that endorsement be given to the enforcement strategies set out in paragraphs 3 to 11 of the report and its appended schedule, with particular emphasis on the value of modern aerial photography as set out in (2) above).


Update on Planning Enforcement issues at Pit-Stop, Dargate


(1)       The Team Leader – Planning Enforcement updated the Committee on planning enforcement issues at Pit Stop, Dargate.   He explained that Swale BC was currently processing a retrospective planning application on a proposed lorry park to cover the site and that The Environment Agency had required the removal of imported materials within set parameters.


(2)       RESOLVED that endorsement be given to the enforcement strategy outlined in paragraphs 5 to 15 of the report.


Update on Planning Enforcement issues at Thirwell Farm, Hernhill


(1)          The Team Leader - Planning Enforcement updated the Committee on planning enforcement issues at Thirwell Farm, Hernhill.   


(2)       The Committee requested that the Chairman write on its behalf to Environment Agency to request an update on opportunities for enforcement action and setting out its view that the issuing of a Waste Removal Notice should receive positive consideration.


(3)       RESOLVED that:-


(a)          the enforcement strategy set out in paragraphs 5 to 18 of the report be endorsed; and


(b)          the Chairman be requested to write to the Environment Agency to ask for an update on opportunities for enforcement action and setting out the Committee’s view that the issuing of a Waste Removal Notice should receive positive consideration.