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No. | Item |
(a) Committee: 22 May 2019 (b) Member Panel: 18 June 2019 Additional documents: Minutes: (1) The Committee agreed that the training on the Waste Strategy (Minute 7) would be held at 9.30 am on Tuesday, 22 January 2019 prior to that day’s Committee meeting, which would commence at 10.30 am.
(2) RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Committee meeting held on 22 May 2019 and of the Member Panel meeting held on 18 June 2019 are correctly recorded and that they be signed by the Chairman. |
Update from the Public Rights of Way and Access Service PDF 140 KB Minutes: (1) The Definitive Map Team Leader summarised the current position in respect of Section 53 Applications; applications to divert or extinguish public rights of way; the diversion, extinguishment or creation of public rights of way; Statutory Deposits; legislative updates; and applications to register Village Greens.
(2) During discussion of this item, Members noted and commented upon the possible necessity to review the Priority Statement if, as anticipated, the number of section 53 applications were to increase.
(3) RESOLVED that the report be noted.
Update on Planning Enforcement Issues PDF 239 KB Minutes: (1) The Head of Planning Applications Group gave an update on planning enforcement and monitoring work carried out since the previous meeting of the Committee. She drew attention to the increasing number of referrals from district councils and the pressure on already stretched staff resources of having to establish, in practically all instances, that KCC did not have planning jurisdiction.
(2) During discussion of this item, Members recognised the strain on enforcement resources experienced by all of the relevant authorities and agreed with the Chairman’s suggestion that the Leaders’ Forum might be the appropriate place for consideration to be given to the alleviation of this problem through improved joint working arrangements.
(3) RESOLVED that the actions taken or contemplated in the report be endorsed.
EXEMPT ITEMS (Open Access to Minutes) (Members resolved under Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 that the public be excluded for the following business on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 5 and 6 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.)
Update on Planning Enforcement cases Minutes: (1) Mr H Rayner was present for this item pursuant to Committee Procedure Rule 2.27 and spoke.
(2) The Head of Planning Applications Group gave an update on unauthorised planning enforcement matters setting out actions taken or contemplated at Ashford Waste Water Treatment Works, Bybrook, Ashford; Mount Pleasant Farm, Yorkletts, Whitstable; Mount Joy, Yorkletts, Whitstable; Hawthorn Cottages, May Street, Herne Bay; Spires Academy, Sturry, Canterbury; Wentworth Primary School, Dartford; Maypole Community Primary School, Dartford; Stonepit Restoration Ltd, Dartford; NT Rix Scaffolding Yard, Dover; Land Adjoining Long Hill Playing Field, Dover; Gairfield Soils Ltd, Brookland, Romney Marsh; Fleetmix Ltd, Northfleet; Mayfield Grammar School, Gravesham; Land at Stockbury Valley, Stockbury; Water Lane/Moat Road, Headcorn, Maidstone; Little Neverend Farm, Pye Corner, Ulcombe; Environment First Ltd, Chart Sutton, Maidstone; St Francis Catholic Primary School, Maidstone; Thirwell Farm, Drove Lane, Hernhill; East Kent Recycling Site D, Oare Creek, Faversham; Three Lakes Caravan Park, Murston; Wrotham Quarry, Addington, West Malling; Borough Green Sandpits, Platt Industrial Estate, St Mary’s Platt; and Land lying to the rear of Rye Road, Crouch Lane, Sandhurst.
(3) The Head of Planning Applications Group informed the Committee of correspondence from Mrs S V Hohler and Dr L Sullivan in respect of sites in their constituencies.
(4) The Committee noted that Spires Academy would be removed from the Contraventions Schedule once the works had been signed off by KCC Highways and Transportation.
(5) The Committee agreed to retain Longton Woods, Stockbury on the Contraventions Schedule.
(6) RESOLVED that subject to (4) and (5) above, the endorsement strategies outlined in paragraphs 4 to 18 and in the Appendix of the report be noted and endorsed. |