Venue: Council Chamber, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone. View directions
Contact: Andrew Tait 03000 416749
No. | Item |
a) 25 February 2021 b) 27 May 2021 Additional documents: Minutes: (1) RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meetings held on 12 February 2021 and 27 May 2021 are correctly recorded and that they be signed by the Chairman. |
Committee Work Programme and Member Training arrangements (Discussion Item) Additional documents: Minutes: (1) The General Counsel said that the Member Development Sub-Committee would need to meet so that it could consider the training needs for new Members. Training would also be required for various aspects of the County Council’s role, particularly in respect of new or changed responsibilities.
(2) The General Counsel said that he would welcome input from all of the political Groups on their training needs. Any correspondence on this subject should be sent to the Democratic Services Officer.
(3) RESOLVED that the content of the discussion be noted. |
Amendment to the Terms of Reference for the Governance and Audit Committee Additional documents: Minutes: (1) The Committee considered a report by the General Counsel on proposed changes to the Terms of Reference of the Governance and Audit Committee. These changes had been recommended by that Committee at its meeting on 23 April 2021.
(2) The General Counsel advised that a general induction session for Members of the Governance and Audit Committee and potential substitutes had been arranged to take place on 19 July 2021. This would complement training in specific areas such as Finance and Internal Audit that had already been arranged.
(3) In response to a question from a Member, it was clarified by the General Counsel that the ability of a Member to attend and speak at a meeting of a Committee of which they were not a Member was not impacted by the training requirement of certain Committees. In line with the Constitution, participation was at the discretion of the Chairman but was not ordinarily refused.
(4) RESOLVED that the draft Terms of Reference of the Governance and Audit Committee set out in Appendix 1 of the report be recommended to the County Council for adoption. |
Future arrangements for Committee Meetings Additional documents:
Minutes: (1) The Committee considered a report from the General Counsel on future arrangements for Committee meetings, taking account of current government guidance on coping with the Covid-19 pandemic and the current state of readiness of the County Council’s premises to meet the required health and safety standards.
(2) The Committee discussed the absence of air conditioning in the Council Chamber as well as conformity with the Fire Regulations of 2005.
(3) The General Counsel agreed to discuss concerns over compliance with the Fire Regulations with the Director of Infrastructure.
(4) Mr P J Oakford (Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance, Corporate and Traded Services) said that he would present a report to the Policy and Resources Cabinet Committee on 13 July 2021 on the County Council’s Property Accommodation Strategy including options for the Strategic Head Quarters.
(5) The General Counsel informed the Committee that the Darent Room was likely to become available for physical meetings during the Autumn months. This would increase the opportunity to hold more meetings in County Hall if this was considered appropriate.
(6) Mr R W Gough said that the Committee would need to carefully oversee the arrangements for use of KCC premises during the immediate post Covid-19 era.
(7) RESOLVED that the report be noted.
Appointments to Outside Bodies Additional documents:
Minutes: (1) Mr H Rayner was present for this item and asked to be placed on the Kent Downs AONB.
(2) The General Counsel informed the Committee that he had concerns as to whether the County Council could appoint people who had not been elected as Members of the Council to the Rochester Bridge Trust in the light of the provisions of the Local Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities) (England) Regulations 2000. He agreed to consider this question and report to the next meeting of the Committee on the outcome of his deliberations.
(2) The Committee made the following appointments:-
- ACCESS Joint Committee: Mr C Simkins - Action for Communities in Rural Kent (ACRK) Community Halls Committee: Mr B J Sweetland - ACRK Community Rail Partnership Steering Group: Mr D L Brazier, Mr D Watkins and Mr J Wright - ACRK Management Committee: Mr C Simkins - Gatwick Airport Consultative Committee: Mr D L Brazier (Mr D Watkins – substitute) - High Weald AONB: Mr T Hills - Hugh and Montague Leney Award Trust: Mr S C Manion - Kent Association of Local Councils: Mr H Rayner - Kent Big Society Investment Panel: Mr M Hill, Mrs S V Hohler - Kent County Playing Fields Association: Mr B J Sweetland - Kent Downs AONB: Mr H Rayner - Kent International Airport Consultative Committee: Mr R A Marsh - Kent Music Board of Directors: Mrs S V Hohler and Mrs S Hamilton - LGA Coastal Issues Special Interest Group: Mr T Hills - LGA County Councils Network: Mr R W Gough, Mr P J Oakford, Dr L Sullivan, Mr A Hook - LGA Children and Young Persons Board: Mr R W Gough - LGA General Assembly: Mr R W Gough (12 votes), Mr P J Oakford - Rochester Airport Consultative Committee: Mr R A Marsh - Rochester Bridge Trust: Mrs S V Hohler - Aylesham and District Community Workshop Trust: Mr S C Manion - Bensted’s Charity: Mr A Hook and Mr R Lehmann - Biggin Hill Airport Consultative Committee: Mr N J D Chard - Dover Roman Painted Homes: Mr N J Collor - Duke of York Military School: Mr N J Collor
(3) The Committee noted that Mr R Love, Mr D S Daley and Mr P Harman had been placed on the Kent and Medway Fire and Rescue Authority by their groups in accordance with the proportionality rules.
(4) The Committee noted that Mr T Hills, Mr N J Collor and Mrs L Parfitt-Reid had been placed on the Kent and Essex IFCA by their group in accordance with the proportionality rules.
(5) RESOLVED that:-
(a) the appointments set out in paragraph (2) above be agreed;
(b) the appointments set out in paragraphs (3) and (4) above be noted; and
(c) a further report be brought to the next meeting of the Committee setting out proposed appointments for ratification following discussions between the groups facilitated by the Head of Democratic Services. |